Kategori:Brittiska kolonier
Denna kategori innehåller Brittiska kolonier.
Sidor i kategorin "Brittiska kolonier"
Följande 200 sidor (av totalt 238) finns i denna kategori.
(föregående sida) (nästa sida)B
- Manicaland
- Marandellas
- Mashonaland
- Mashonaland Field Force
- Mashonaland Horse
- Mashonaupproret
- Matabele
- Matabelekriget
- Matabeleland
- Matabeleland Relief Force
- Matabeleupproret
- Matopo Hills
- Karl Gottlieb Mauch
- Mazoe Patrol
- Melsetter
- Melsetter memorial
- Militären i Rhodesia
- William Henry Milton
- Howard Unwin Moffat
- Mounted Infantry
- Raaff's Rangers
- Reform Party
- Responsible Government Party
- Cecil Rhodes
- Alexander Boggie
- Alexander Tulloch
- Alexander William Duff
- Alfred Beit
- Allan Wilson Memorial
- Andrew Milroy Fleming
- Archibald Ross Colquhoun
- Arthur Lawley
- Barney Barnato
- Bindura
- Blantyre
- British South Africa Company
- Broken Hill
- Buxtonkommittén
- Denis Doyle
- Edward Arthur Maund
- Ethel Tawse Jollie
- Fort Charter
- Fort Jameson
- Fort Salisbury
- Fort Tuli
- Fort Victoria
- Founders day (Rhodesia)
- Francis Percy Drummond Chaplin
- Francis Robert Thompson
- Frank Oates
- Gatooma
- Georg Westbeech
- George Arthur Phillips
- George Benjamin Dunbar Moodie
- George Cawston
- George Grey
- George Mitchell
- George Pauling
- Gränserna till Rhodesia
- Henry Francis Hoste
- Henry Hartley
- James Fairbairn
- James Gordon McDonald
- James Rochefort Maguire
- James Theodore Bent
- Johannes Wilhelm Colenbrander
- John (Jack) Carruthers
- John Cooper-Chadwick
- John Smith Moffat
- Jordbruket i Rhodesia
- Kagubi
- Karibadammen
- Kingsley Fairbridge
- Klimatet i Rhodesia
- Koncession
- Konstitutionen i Rhodesia
- Laager
- Lionel Cripps
- Lobengula
- Malvernia
- Maurice Heany
- Maurice Raymond Gifford
- Maxim
- Mazoe (i Rhodesia)
- Moodie Trek
- Mutasa
- Mzilikazi
- Ockupationen av Mashonaland
- Pieter Daniels Cornelis Johannes Grobler
- Pieter Johannes Raaff
- Que Que
- Rhodes Matopos National Park
- Rhodesia
- Rhodesia (namnet)
- Richard Frank Rand
- Robert Beal
- Robert Moffat
- Robert Tredgold
- Salisbury
- Selous
- Sinoia
- Sinoia Caves National Park
- Slaget vid Macequece
- Thomas Dhlamini
- Thomas George Routledge
- Thomas Hugh William Beadle
- Thomas Moodie
- Thomas Murray MacDougall
- Thomas Smith Leask
- Vere Palgrave Stent
- William Ernest Fairbridge
- Zimbabwe National Park
- Zimbabwe ruiner
- Rhodesia Horse Volunteers
- The Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment
- Rhodesian Artillery (1st Field Regiment)
- The Rhodesian Corps of Chaplains
- The Rhodesian Corps of Engineers
- The Rhodesian Corps of Signals