Green Leader

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Green Leader blev en legend och populärt motiv på T-tröjor.

Green Leader var benämningen på en flygräd från Rhodesia mot ett terroristnäste i Zambia den 19 oktober 1978. Terroristerna befann sig på en bas vid Westlands Farm ca 20 km norr om huvudstaden Lusaka.

Flygräden blev en spektakulär propagandaseger för Rhodesias effektivitet. När innehållet i pilotens samtal blev offentligt jublade Rhodesia.

Den rhodesiska piloten kommenterar anfallet mot terroristbasen

- Beautiful! Jesus Christ, you want to see all those fuckers. . . . The fucking bombs were beautiful. . . . Fucking beautiful. . . . Roger, let me just get on to the fucking tower and give them our bloody message. Where's this fucking piece of shit? . . . Fucking hundreds of the cunts. Fucking magnificent. . . . Jesus, those fucking Kaffirs everywhere. . . . Yah, they've got the K-cars in there. They'll have a beautiful time. They're like fucking ants running around there. . . . Just check that tape recorder. . . . OK, let me try and get this spiel off. . . . Lusaka Tower, this is Green Leader.

Efter anfallet lämnar den rhodesiske piloten ett meddelande till flygtornet i Zambia:

- Green Leader: Ah, Tower, this is Green Leader. This is a message for the station commander at Mumbwa [the Zambian Air Force base alongside the civilian aerodrome] from the Rhodesian Air Force. We are attacking the terrorist base at Westlands Farm at this time. This attack is against Rhodesian dissidents and not against Zambia. Rhodesia has no quarrel-repeat no quarrel-with Zambia or her security forces. We therefore ask you not to intervene or oppose our attack. However, we are orbiting your airfields at this time and are under orders to shoot down any Zambian aircraft which does not comply with this request and attempts to take off. Did you copy all that?

- Lusaka Tower: Copied.

- Green Leader: Roger. Thanks. Cheers.

På den externa länken nedan finns delar av ljudupptagningen i original från cockpit i det plan som skötte den externa kommunikationen. Sceneriet på filmen är dock symboliskt för att illustrera räden.

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