Convergence of Catastrophes
Convergence of Catastrophes | ||
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Namn | Convergence of Catastrophes | |
Arktos | |
Guillaume Faye | |
2004 (denna utgåva 2012) | |
Häftad | |
Antal sidor
220 | |
Engelska | |
978-1-907166-46-4 |
Convergence of Catastrophes (sv. Katastrofernas konvergens) är en bok skriven av Guillaume Faye som avhandlar de många hot och kriser som den västerländska civilisationen står inför. Såsom miljöhotet, terrorism och invandring med mera.
Om boken
Guillaume Faye analyserar de många kriser som den västerländska civilisationen står inför, som till exempel miljön, immigration, terrorism och farsoter, och han ser en punkt komma när allt detta sammanstrålar som kan kasta den nuvarande världsordningen på ända. Detta menar Faye kommer att bli en katastrof, men också en möjlighet till en omstart för vår kultur.
Denna utgåva innehåller ett förord av Jared Taylor från American Renaissance.
- A Note from the Editor
- Foreword by Jared Taylor
- Introduction: An Explosive Cocktail
- Believing in Miracles
- Man, a Sick Animal
- The Golem Paradigm, or the Machine That Went Mad
- The "Billiard Ball" Theory
- "Catastrophe Theory" and "Discrete Structural Metamorphoses"
- We Must Stop Believing in Sorcerers: Techno-science Gone Mad
- 1. Toward the Collapse of the Terrestrial Ecosystem
- It is Already Too Late
- How Times Have Changed!
- Countdown to the Climate Bomb
- Confronted by Global Warming, the Utopias of the Ecologists
- Violent Climate Change Is Going to Provoke Geopolitical Earthquakes
- The Spectre of Shortages
- Examples of Ecological Disasters
- And Let's Not Forget Epidemics
- 2. Toward the Clash of Civilisations
- The Globalisation of War
- Toward the Most Bellicose Century in History
- Terror as Art of Living
- Is It a Question of War between Islam and the West?
- China against the USA
- When Everyone Has Nuclear Weapons
- Israel's Tears
- Two Examples to Make Us Think
- The Return of the Titans
- 3. Toward Chaos in Europe
- In the Eye of the Cyclone
- The Horrible Spectre of Ethnic Civil War
- Economy: Tomorrow, the Great European Depression
- The Demographic Coma
- The Cancer of Decadence
- The European Union: The Shattered Dream
- 4. Toward a Giant Economic Crisis
- The End of the Paradigm of "Economic Development"
- The Impending Death of World Economic Development
- Toward a "Civilisational Break-up"
- There Is No Reason to Believe That Traditional Economies Are Underdeveloped?
- Is the Techno-scientific Economy Viable?
- The Neo-global Economy of the Post-Catastrophe Age
- A Non-egalitarian Economy
- Techno-science as Esoteric Alchemy
- When the Worst is Probable
- The End of "Growth"
- Economism is Condemned
- The Fraud of the "New Economy"
- The Dangerous Fragility of Globalised Liberal Capitalism
- Some Small but Worrying Signals
- The Spectre of Poverty
- Cancelling the Debts of Poor Countries Is a Farce
- Conclusion: A New Middle Ages
- - Chaos and Post-Chaos
- - Humanity, the "Adjustment Variable"
- - The Drunken Boat
- - Catastrophe Scenarios
- 1) The Soft Scenario
- 2) The "Hard" Scenario
- 3) The "Very Hard" Scenario
- The End of Contemporary Humanity, Predicted by Tradition
- Out of Chaos into the Light
Externa länkar
- Boken hos Arktos
- Solguru: Guillaume Faye: Convergence of Catastrophes – recension av boken
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