Murray Goldfinger

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Murray Goldfinger, född (data okänt) i Polen. Judisk Förintelseöverlevare, under andra världskriget internerad i koncentrationslägren Auschwitz-Birkenau och Buchenwald. Goldfinger överlevde en avrättning i Birkenau. Anklagad för sabotage ställdes han upp för att bli skjuten, men kulan som träffade hans huvud penitrerade inte skallen:

"Despite Goldfinger's efforts to preserve the shovel with a cracked handle he was given to work with, it broke one day. A Nazi in charge accused him of "sabotage" and ordered him executed. As he had so many times before, Goldfinger prayed to his mother, Giza, for protection. He was told to turn away to be executed. The bullet was fired at his head, but did not penetrate his skull. "When he shot me, I went to the ground," Goldfinger said. "I was fully conscious, but I said [to myself], 'Don't move.' ""[1]

Skadad fördes Goldfinger till en sjukhusavdelning där han vårdades för infektion i det sår som uppstod efter avrättningen. Josef Mengele kom personligen för att se om Goldfinger:

"Mengele paid regular visits to the hospital to oversee its activities. The doctor who was treating Goldfinger told Mengele he was given special orders from the coal mine to operate on his wound. When the time came for his operation, the doctor told him he would be put to sleep, unlike other Jews, who were not given any type of anesthesia. "I looked at him and said, 'For good?' " Goldfinger said. The doctor kept the promise to save Goldfinger's life, and Mengele even came to check on his condition several times."
