Stephen Steinlight
Stephen Steinlight, född (data okänt). Judisk etnoaktivist, verksam vid The Center for Immigration Studies i USA och tidigare ordförande för American Jewish Committee. Steinlight skapade uppmärksamhet då han i oktober 2001 lät publicera en framtidsanalys om judars situation och roll i ett USA som genomgår stora etniska förändringar. I sin analys skrev Steinlight om sin egen uppväxt, då han fostrades till sionist under sommarläger. Steinlight oroas även över judars inflytande i ett alltmer mångkulturellt samhälle. Han underblåser även en stereotyp bild av judar då man menar att de har speciella previlegier. Steinlight skrev även att den massinvandring av icke-europeisk befolkning som förändrar USA inte har samma uppfattning om Förintelsen som den europeiska befolkningen utan riskerar att betrakta judar utan förståelse kring varför de har blivit fördrivna från många platser under världshistorien.
Utvalda citat från The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy
“ | "I'll confess it, at least: like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one." | ” |
“ | "The big one for starters: is the emerging new multicultural American nation good for the Jews? Will a country in which enormous demographic and cultural change, fueled by unceasing large-scale non-European immigration, remain one in which Jewish life will continue to flourish as nowhere else in the history of the Diaspora? In an America in which people of color form the plurality, as has already happened in California, most with little or no historical experience with or knowledge of Jews, will Jewish sensitivities continue to enjoy extraordinarily high levels of deference and will Jewish interests continue to receive special protection? Does it matter that the majority non-European immigrants have no historical experience of the Holocaust or knowledge of the persecution of Jews over the ages and see Jews only as the most privileged and powerful of white Americans?" | ” |
- The Center for Immigration Studies - The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy
- WN Tube - Jewish Role in Third World Immigration - Dr William Pierce
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