Michal Kula
Michal Kula. Född 1913 (övriga uppgifter okända). Fördes till Auschwitz den 15 augusti 1940 där han arbetade som svarvare i Auschwitz låssmedsverkstad tillsammans med 191 andra fångar enligt dokumentation daterad 8 februari 1943. Avgav sitt vittnesmål den 11 juni 1945, inför de polska myndigheterna. Robert Jan van Pelt hänvisar till Kula och har även översatt Kulas vittnesmål.
Kulas kolonner av metallnät
Kula anger i sitt vittnesmål "kolonner av metallnät" ("wire-mesh columns") som han säger sig ha tillverkat i verkstaden. Dessa kolonner, som även beskrivits av Henryk Tauber, ska ha använts för att fira ner en "korg av metallnät" som innehöll Zyklon B, ner i gaskammaren. Kulas vittnesmål är ovanligt eftersom andra ögonvittnen antingen ger en helt annan beskrivning av nätkolonnerna eller utelämnar dessa och ger helt andra beskrivningar av hur Zyklon B fördes in i gaskammaren, såsom att de hälldes ner genom ett hål i taket eller att gas strömmade ut ur duschmunstycken.
- "Among other things the metal workshop made the false showers intended for the gas chambers, as well as the wire-mesh columns for the introduction of the contents of the tins with Zyklon into the gas chambers. These columns were around 3 meters high, and they were 70 centimetres square in plan. Such a column consisted of 6 [recte: 3] wire screens which were built the one within the other. The inner [recte: outer] screen was made from 3 millimeter thick wire, fastened to iron corner posts of 50 by 10 millimeters. Such iron corner posts were on each corner of the column and connected on the top in the same manner. The openings of the wire mesh were 45 millimeters square. The second screen was made in the same manner, and constructed within the column at 150 millimeters distance from the first. The openings of the second were around 25 millimeters square. In the corners these screens were connected to each other by iron posts. The third part of this column could be moved. It was an empty column with a square footprint of around 150 millimeters made of sheet zinc. At the top it was closed by a metal sheet, and at the bottom with a square base. At a distance of 25 millimetres from the sides of this columns were soldered tin corners supported by tin brackets. On these corners were mounted a thin mesh with openings of about one millimeter square. This mesh ended at the bottom of the column and from here ran in the [Verlaenderung] of the screen a tin frame until the top of the column. The contents of a Zyklon tin were thrown from the top on the distributor, which allowed for a equal distribution of the Zyklon to all four sides of the column."
Kula vittnar om ihjälgasning av människor
Kula anger även att han blev vittne till en avrättning i gaskammare av 250 människor. Detta massmord ska enligt Kula ha skett den 15 augusti 1941.(I engelsk översättning):
- "The killing had taken two days, and only on the night of the 16th did the nurses of the lazaret retrieve the corpses to take them out of the camp. Kula had been able to witness this from a window of the dental station in Block 21. Right in front of Kula's observation point a cart loaded with corpses broke down, and many fell on the ground. "I saw then that they were greenish. The nurses told me that the corpses were cracked, and the skin came off. In many cases they had bitten fingers and necks."
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i ämnesportalen om Förintelsen |
- Protocol testimony Michael Kula, 11 June 1945, added as Appendix 16 to: Cracow District Commission for the Investigation of German War Crimes, “Protocol on the Machinery of Mass Extermination of Humans in Birkenau”, 26 November 1946, transl. Roman Sas-Zalaziocky, in Republic of Austria, Ministry of Justice, Case 20 Vr 3806/64 (Ertl/Dejaco), Landesgericht für Strafsachen, Vienna, file ON 393v (r & v).
- Vho.org – Critique of Claims Made by Robert Jan Van Pelt
- The Kula Kolumn – Exactitude in Action, Analysis of a 'Centerpiece' of Material Evidence for the Alleged Homicidal Gas Chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau: Michal Kula's Eight Triple-Mesh Metal Cyanide Induction Columns - By Robert H. Countess, PhD