Avrättning med hundar
Avrättning med hundar, var enligt vittnet Jack S. Taylor en avrättningsmetod som praktiserades under Förintelsen. Löjtnat Jack S. Taylor togs till fånga och placerades i koncentrationslägret Mauthausen under andra världskrigets slutskede. I filmen Nazi Concentration Camps framträder löjtnat Taylor och framlägger sitt vittnesmål.
Uppgiften bekräftas i nyhetsförmedling
Den 14 november 1944 publicerade tidningen The Courier-Mail en artikel om koncentrationslägret Herzogenbusch, där användandet av hundar bekräftades:
- "The second block was the prison, in the corner of which appeared to be pits for bodies, and in another two large ovens still reeking with the smell of death. Apparently two ovens were insufficiant, because near by was a mobile crematorium, resembling a steamroller, for the cremation of bodies. The prison block also contains two airtight cells, where the victims were suffocated. [...] All Jews who could were rounded up in Holland and sent to the Vught camp, where vicious dogs attacked them or they were shot."[1]
The Milwaukee Sentinel den 3 oktober 1945:
- "Josef Kramer, concentration camp commandant being tried here with 44 other Nazis, was accused today of setting dogs on 300 helpless prisoners lined up at the edge of a flaming funeral pit and machine gunning those left alive. [...] Commandant Kramer was behind them with a nashine gun and some dogs. When he pointed to a man the dogs would attack, and he was either killed or fell in the fire."[2]
The Palm Beach Post den 17 oktober 1984:
- "Woman: Nazi Watched Dog Kill Man. "The old man lay screaming on the ground. Next to him Harri Schulz stood and watched as his German shepherd dog ate him alive," Mrs. Ledor said. "The policemen who were present turned away. Only Harri Schulz watched smiling as his dog ripped pieces of flesh from the body of the man while he was still alive," she testified in a quiet, controlled voice."[3]
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette den 7 april 2001:
- "In the death camp, he said, he saw men eaten alive by dogs while Naxi guards laughed; according to..."[4]
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