Nation of Islam
Nation of Islam, är en nationalistisk organisation som förespråkar en egen stat för USA:s svarta befolkning. Nation of Islam emotsätter sig även rasblandning. Organisationen leds av Louis Farrakhan. Nation of Islam publicerade 1991 boken The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews som bland annat belyser det judiska inflytandet i den transatlantiska slavhandeln.
Elijah Poole grundade tillsammans med Wallace Fard Muhammad på 1930-talet i Detroit det som kom att bli Nation of Islam. Enligt egna uppgifter så valde Gud ut Elijah Poole, som sedermera bytte namn till Elijah Muhammad, att vara den gudomliga närvaron på jorden. Orsaken var att Gud först hade skapat den svarta människan som den ursprungliga och att den svarta människan därmed var den första att skapa en civilisation. Detta förhållande skulle genom Elijah Poole nu återupprättas. Enligt Nation of Islam emmigrerade Shabazz-folket från Mekka till Afrika. Shabazz ska enligt organisationen ha varit en vetenskapsman och från denna stam härstammar Afrikas svarta befolkning, medan alla andra folk enbart betraktas som biprodukter.
Nation of Islam har hyllats av bland annat George Lincoln Rockwell, som besökte ett av dess möten i Washington DC, juni 1961.
Nation of Islam vill skapa en egen stat för den svarta amerikanska befolkningen med nationell socialism som politiskt system. Redan idag har Nation of Islam ett program för insamling av pengar för köp av mark för den svarta befolkningen och år 1994 köptes den första åkermarken upp i Bronwood, Georgia. På den uppköpta marken finns en gård som har döpts till Muhammad Farms där bland annat vattenmeloner, majs, squash, zucchini och ärtor produceras.
Flagga och logotyp
I de fyra hörnen av Nation of Islams flagga och logotyp finns bokstäverna J, F, E och I. Dessa står för Justice, Freedom, Equality och Islam.
Nation of Islam och hip hop-musik
Inom artistvärldens svarta befolkning har Nation of Islam ett starkt stöd, i synnerhet bland hip hop-artister. Kända artister som Snoop Dogg och Ice Cube är eller har varit medlemmar i den nationalistiska rörelsen.
Kända medlemmar och sympatisörer
- Elijah Muhammad
- Louis Farrakhan
- Paris (Oscar Jackson, Jr, rappare)
- Malcolm X
- Muhammad Ali
- Kémi Séba (Stellio Capo Chichi, grundare av Tribu Ka)
- MC Ren (Lorenzo Jerald Patterson, rappare)
- Ice Cube (O'Shea Jackson, rappare och skådespelare)
- KAM (Craig Miller, rappare)
- John Allen Muhammad (Gulfkrigsveteran och dömd mördare. Avrättad 10 november 2009)
- Snoop Dogg (Cordozar Calvin Broadus, rappare)
- Benjamin Chavis Muhammad (distributör av HipHop-musik)
- JT The Bigga Figga (Joseph Tom, producent och rappare)
- 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom.
- 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed or class or color.
- 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society.
- 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own--either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years--until we are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.
- 5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people.
- 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks against the so-called Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land--or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty.
- 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of our own, we demand not only equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities--NOW! We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief or charity or live in poor houses.
- 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from ALL taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land.
- 9. We want equal education--but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling system we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect.
- 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of Islam taught without hindrance or suppression.
Information från webbplats
- We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited.– Nation of Islam - What The Muslims Want
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