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LibRA´s logotyp

LibRA, Liberty Right Advocates, amerikansk fångrättsorganisation. LibRA bildades för att ge rättslig hjälp till vita politiska fångar. Idag bistår de även med rättslig hjälp till nationalister som inte sitter i fängelse.


LibRA bildades 2003 och är en akronym för Liberty Right Advocates och bildades för att uppfylla det vacuum som finns i USA. Tidigare har det saknats en rättslig företrädare för vita "politiskt inkorrekta" fångar.

LibRA arbetar med både med rättsliga detaljer inne i fängelser såsom när fångar förnekas sina rättigheter eller blir utsatta för övergrepp och rättscivila fall för människor som inte sitter i fängelse.


LibRA arbetar för religionsfrihet och att man ska kunna utöva sin religion utan att repression från statliga myndigheter, speciellt fängelser. En mängd olika religioner finns representerade hos LibRA är Odinister, Identitetskristna, kristna separatister, druider, keltisk hedendom, kristna fundamentalister, katoliker, kreativister etc. Politiskt sett är LibRA nationalistiskt.


LibRA finns endast i USA och drygt hälften av alla medlemmar är fångar. Bland de mer kända medlemmarna återfinns Order-medlemmarna Richard Scutari, David Tate, Randy Evans, Bruce Pierce, Richard Kemp & Gary Yarbrough. LibRA håller för närvande bland annat på med ett fall då Yarbrough blev brutalt misshandlad av fängelsevakter.

Intervju med en av personerna (John W. Gerhardt) bakom LibRA

What is LibRA?

LibRA is the acronym for Liberty Rights Advocates. We are a Eurofolk civil rights association and have emerged in the US as the voice of our political prisoners, several of whom are LibRA members. We are extensively involved in prisoner advocacy issues because our political prisoners are not confined in some sort of vacuum. What happens in the prisons, and in what is called the criminal justice system, not only effects them, but makes possible what happens to them. But, LibRA is not just a prisoner advocacy association alone. We are concerned with other civil rights and constitutional rights effecting our Eurofolk kindred outside prison as well.

How many works active with LibRA?

By this question, I assume you are asking basically how much of our membership are active or activists. As such, a great number of our prisoner members are, of necessity. A number have had to file civil rights litigation for such basic rights recognized under the Constitution of this country as the right to the free exercise of religion, right to receive literature, and other basic rights. Some of those who join do so to gain more knowledge in different areas of the law, eg, civil rights civil litigation. Among the many non-prisoners who have or are joining, some have become frustrated with prisoncrat thought police and their suppression of religious or political views they deem heretical or, as they like to put it, "politically incorrect." We have those who have been engaged in prison ministries, for example, but frequently are confronted with refusal by prison mail rooms and others to allow prisoners to have religious literature they send. More recently, most of those who are non-prisoners who have been joining our association are becoming part of a growing network which can provide more outside support for our political prisoners as well as other prisoners compelled to fight for rightsm, in a more practical manner. This has included phone calls, letters of protest over mistreatment, and more. They are among those who are looking for something with positive and achievable goals and direction, one with a real agenda, and are tired of groups who do nothing but whine and complain about how bad things are, but are very short on possible solutions or what can be done to counter this.

Does LibRA include both lawyers and paralegals?

From the start, individuals working in the legal profession in various capacities have been involved with our association.

Is LibRA into any special sort of religion and/or politic?

When it comes to religion, LibRA stands for the right of each to the free exercise of the religion of ones choice, free of interference or repression from government agencies, especially the prisons. We have among associate members of LibRA many who are Christian Identity, and many who are Odinists/Asatru. We also have Christian Separatists, Druids, Celtic Pagans, a few who I would guess could be called Christian fundamentalists, even a few Roman Catholics, a few agnostics, and lately a few Creators. But we have been foremost a fighter for religious rights. Many of those names as plaintiffs in the civil rights suits out of Ohio's prison system, which led to the victory in the US Surpeme Court last year upholding the constitutionality of the Religious Land Use & Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), which strengthened the legal standard favorable to those filing religious rights suits, are LibRA associate members. Politically, we tend to be nationalist, certainly populist oriented and definitely civil libertarian, being averse to government intrusion into ones personal life or in depriving citizens of various rights, liberties and freedoms.

Is anyone welcome to join LibRA?

Currently we operate only in the United States. We obviously have no restrictions against prisoners becoming associate members, a slight majority of our members are prisoners. We are pro-Eurofolk, and feel that non-Eurofolk have their voices which our own have lacked.

How does membership in LibRA work? Fees?

We require those wanting to join our association to complete an application for membership. Some of the questions are attempts to find out what experiences or skills different applicants may have, which many don't realize they do. Nothing overly intrusive. We are not an association of what I've some times derisively refer to as cyber slinkies, or those who want to hide, or think they are hiding when in truth they are not since anyone can track down the source of e-mails, behind anonymous sounding e-mail handles, then do nothing but chat chat chatter away whining and crying. We are building an association of activists with a more positive outlook and drive. We are engaged in legal activities, and have learned that we need not hide when standing up for our rights, when this is done in a positive manner. Membership dues are a minimum of $26 US, or for prisoners, a minimum of $12 US. We may be contacted at: Liberty Rights Advocates, PO Box 713, Johnstown, OH 43031. For those who read this in your publication, please keep in mind, I only speak and write English.

Is LibRA into any cases right now? If you are, could you please tell about them briefly?

Currently we are working on preparing federal filings for Order POW, political prisoner and LibRA member Gary Yarbrough, who was brutally beaten by federal prison guards, causing him to spend some months in a wheelchair. Among our members, we have probably over a dozen or so pending civil rights actions in various federal district courts around the country, with as many or more in stages of being prepared. Issues concern religious rights for prisoners, right to receive literature, issues of retaliation for using constitutional rights, challenges against parole denial for illegimate reasons and for reductions in sentences for some of our political prisoners when those sentences were excessive to begin with--on that, we already have a former political prisoner who fought this issue in court, won, had his sentenced reduced, and is now out of prison. We are also preparing for an effort to restore all rights for ex-felons who have been out of prison without being arrested for new offenses, challenges against anti-Eurofolk discrimination in parole release decisions, and other activities.

Is white POW´s being treated more bad because they are nationalists?

Yes, we have had political prisoners who have been mistreated because of pro-Eurofolk beliefs and affiliation, Gary Yarbrough being an example of the worst. For quite some time now, in this country, there has been a double standard for so-called "people" or criminal defendants and those who pro-Eurofolk ties. What is legal for others becomes illegal for our own. What are misdemeanors for others become felonies for our own. What are lower level felonies for others become higher degree felonies for our own. Then judges give longer sentences to our own than they would to others. Once in prison, too often, the political prisoner is singled for for additional harassment by prisoncrat jailers. This doesn't always happen, but it does. By extention, we see systemic anti-Eurofolk discrimination, even for those with no affiliation. Discrimination in prison housing and job assignments, in being denied parole while non-Eurofolk are given paroles, and so on. Until LibRA was formed, most of what passed as prisoner advocates or prisoner advocacy in this country were dominaed by leftists, liberals, or neo-marxists types who acted as if there were no White prisoners in the country.

How come you chose the Tiwaz rune as a logo?

We operated for a few years without an emblem or logo. Some suggested using a set of scales, commonly used in this country by those involved in the legal system, such as attorneys. With the growing proportion of Asatru members in our association, some began suggesting that the Tiwaz rune could best symbolize what we stand for, what we are doing, what we are striving to achieve. Last fall, after discussion among the membership (we make major policy decisions by consensus among our membership), it was decided, even by Christians in our membership, that Tiwaz does represent or symbolize us better than perhaps any other emblem could. Tiwaz stands for victory in a just cause, of course, but also for integrity, courage, perseverance in fighting for what is rights, and generally boldly standing for the defense of our people, justice and freedom for our people.

Is there any plans on starting LibRA in other nearby countries, such as Canada?

Currently we have no real plans for this. What our immediate aim is to have memberships, organized chapters or networks in each of the states, or at least the lower 48, for now. I do see a need for other countries to have something like LibRA. What those in other countries can do for now is support LibRA in our growth efforts and in our overall work. In due time, we'll be able to expand. If more see successes with us here, they may be more inclined to emulate us. One major suggestion, for the younger readers of this interview, in your country, which I have said to several younger ones in this country. Complete your education. And, yes, to go law school, get your law degree and meet the requirements to become licensed practicing attorneys. We need more nationalist, pro-Eurofolk attorneys or otherwise involved in the legal profession.

There is no Swedish word for "Eurofolk", which you use alot, I guess this means "white european" or "aryan"? Why do you use "Eurofolk" instead of "white european" etc?

LibRA official Beverly Seymour coined the term "Eurofolk," which means as you guess, "White European," or those of European descent. This in context of what we have to deal with in this country. The term carries cultural as well as racial significance, which is even more important over here. We oped to use that term rather than the over-used "White," and the maligned "Aryan," although I personall like "Aryan." We've been using it in our membership newsletter and in online commentary, and other people are beginning to now use it as well.

Do you have any last words to the readers?

Perhaps one final word. One thing I learned during my own sojourn as a political prisoner. Our own attitudes defeat us, and restrain us, more than anything those on the other side can ever come up with. Here were a bunch of prisoners filing suits, and winning, engaging in lobbying efforts, succeeding in a bill I wrote being introduced in the Ohio state legislature, and more. It did occur to me, if prisoners in prison can do this, what's wrong with people out here? What it takes is a more professional attitude and definitely a more positive outlook and drive. One firmly rooted to the real world. Too many want to treat the "movement" as some sort of fantasy retreat from the real world, rather than as a real, serious movement. We have what has been dubbed a "cult of failure" outlook, or too many have. We need to get away from that. What successes, gains, victories we have had with LibRA, may for the most part be small ones, but we have had them. Eventually enough small ones become bigger ones. If it becomes necessary to adopt rhetoric and approach, realizing the audience we are dealing with, then by all means do so. One does not have to compromise ones core principles to do that. But, we can succeed and win.


Liberty Rights Advocates

PO Box 713


OH 43031



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