Elektriska golv
Elektriska golv. En anklagelsepunkt vid Nürnbergprocessen var att den tyska lägeradministrationen vid koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen ska ha använt elektriska golv för att mörda människor.
Massmord med elektriska golv - en anklagelsepunkt vid Nürnbergprocessen
Anklagelsepunkten att lägeradministrationen använde elektriska golv för avrättning i Bergen-Belsen finns dokumenterad i Nürnbergprocessens rättegångsprotokoll från den 19 februari 1946.[1] I protokollet står att läsa:
- "I end my quotation here, and I call the attention of the Tribunal to Page 136 on the reverse side of the document book; this is from a report of the Polish Government, which shows that the Camp Sobibur was founded during the first and second liquidation of the Jewish ghetto. But the extermination on a large scale in this camp really started at the beginning of 1943. In this same report, in the last paragraph on Page 136 of the document book, we may read that Camp Belsen was founded in 1940; but it was in 1942 that the special electrical appliances were built in for mass extermination of people. Under the pretext that the people were being led to the bath-house, the doomed were undressed and then driven to the building where the floor was electrified in a special way; there they were killed."
- "Usually the concentration camps of German fascism can be divided into two groups: the labor concentration camps and the extermination camps. It seems to me that such a differentiation is not quite correct, because the labor camps also served the purpose of extermination."
- The Milwaukee Journal den 28 november 1942:
- "Strasburger said the first of the human slaughter houses was organized in Kaunas, capital of Lithuania. Another was functioning in Belzec, about 60 miles from Lwow in Poland, where electrocution and lehtal gas chambers were being used. Strasburger continued: "The method used is the following: The victims are ordered to strip naked 'to have a bath.' They are then led to a barrack with a metal floor. This door is locked and an electric current turned on. They die in agony. When the current is turned off the bodies are loaded on cars and dumped into a mass grave."[2]
- "After they have undressed both groups go to a third barracks, where there is an electrified plate, where the executions are carried out. Then the bodies are taken by train to a trench situated outside the wire and some 30 metres deep. This trench was dug by Jews, who were all executed afterwards. The Ukrainians on guard are also to be executed when the job is finished."[3]
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