Beyond Belief: The American Press & the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945
Beyond Belief: The American Press & the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945, är en bok av Deborah Lipstadt, publicerad 1993. I boken skriver Lipstadt att det i koncentrationslägret Auschwitz dog 4 000 000 människor under Förintelsen, varav 2 000 000 av dessa var judar. Uppgiften framkommer på sidan 262, i kapitlet The Final Solution ("Den Slutgiltiga Lösningen").[1]
Utdrag ur Beyond Belief: The American Press & the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945
“ | "Of the approximately 4 million people killed at Auschwitz a minimum of 2 million were Jews. All of them were citizens of various European countries, but they were killed as Jews." | ” |