Benzi Gopstein

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Benzi Gopstein, född (data okänt). Ordförande för organisationen Lehava. Har kritiserat Facebooks grundare Mark Zuckerberg för att han gift sig med Priscilla Chan. Gopstein jämförde Zuckerbergs giftermål med Den Slutgiltiga Lösningen och menade att siffran skulle stiga till sju miljoner:

Golda Meir, who was Israel’s Prime Minister, said that any Jew who assimilates is essentially a partner to the Nazis’ work, since through assimilation you yourself are exterminating the continuation of the Jewish people. Assimilation is bringing the extermination of the Jews to the seventh million! Unfortunately, you are not alone. The Jewish people are losing themselves in the Exile through assimilation. At the current rate, in the not-so-distant future there will be no more Jews remaining in the Exile. In Israel, too, assimilation is hitting us quite a bit because of your Facebook, where every Mohammed is ‘CitySlicker’ and every Yusuf calls himself ‘Prince Charming,'[1]
