A Collection Of Reports On Bolshevism In Russia 1917-1920
A Collection Of Reports On Bolshevism In Russia 1917-1920, är en sammanställning av telegram och skriftliga rapporter från i huvudsak brittiska representanter på plats i Ryssland vid tiden för ryska revolutionen. Sammanställningen är utförd på uppdrag av His Majesty´s Stationery Office som även lät publicera materialet. Flera av rapporterna uppger att ryska revolutionens ledare dominerades av judar och att ryska arbetare inte var den drivande kraften bakom den omvälvande förändringen utan tvärtom var bittra motståndare som många gånger bekämpade den nya regimen. Innehållet är att betrakta som mycket antisemitiskt med dagens ögon.
A Collection Of Reports On Bolshevism In Russia 1917-1920 - innehåll
Uppgifter förekommer i sammanställningen att många av de ryska arbetarna och bönderna inte gav sitt stöd till bolsjevikerna och straffades därmed hårt. Vidare innehåller flera rapporter vittnesskildringar om hur bolsjevikerna tar kontrollen över matdistribution vilket resulterar i omfattande svält bland civilbefolkningen. På sidan 57 skriver Rev. B. S. Lombard i ett brev daterat den 23 mars 1919 om hur bönder hellre avslutade livet på sina egna barn än lät dem svälta ihjäl då bolsjevikerna, som Lombard uppger ska vara judar, hade tagit över butiksverksamheterna.
Sidan 68 innehåller uppgifter om att befolkningen åberopar en pogrom eftersom de uppfattar att den utbredda svälten är ett resultat av judisk kontroll över landets mat. Författaren av uppgifterna, som inte är namngiven, menar att den rådande situationen skapar antisemitiska känslor bland massorna. Det finns enligt författaren ett utbrett motstånd mot den nya regimen, som beskrivs som en ny sorts elit i det väldiga riket.
På sidan 55 beskrivs hur banker köps upp: "To buy up all nationalised banks and to open up everywhere branches of German Government banks under the names and titles of firms that would conceal their actual standing."
Sidan 23 innehåller en redogörelse om hur mongoliska soldater avrättar fångar genom hängning och på flera platser i sammanställningen berättas hur bolsjevikerna använder olika former av tortyr mot civilbefolkningen.
Utdrag ur A Collection Of Reports On Bolshevism In Russia 1917-1920
- "Russian working classes not represented by Bolsheviks, most of latter being Jews."– sid 3/iii
- "I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless, as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."– Sir M. Findlay to Mr. Balfour, 18 september 1918 - sid 12/6
- "The Bolsheviks can no longer be described as a political party holding extreme communistic view. They form relatively small privileged class which is able to terrorise the rest of the population because it has a monopoly both of arms and of food supplies. This class consists chiefly of workmen and soldiers, and included a large non-Russian element, such as Letts and Esthonians and Jews; the latter are specially numerous in higher posts. Members of this class are allowed complete licence, and commit crime against other sections of society."– Mr. Alston. to Barl Ourzon, 23 januari 1919 - sid 34/28
- "From examination of several labourer and peasant. witnesses I have evidence to the effect that very smallest percentage of this district were pro-Bolshevik, majority of labourers sympathising with summoning of Constituent Assembly. Witnesses further stated that Bolshevik leaders did not represent Russian working classes, most of them being Jews. As a result of refusal of 4,000 labourers near Ekaterinburg to support local Bolsheviks many were arrested, and twelve were suffocated alive in slag gas-pit, their mutilated bodies being buried afterwards, and ninety peasants taken out of Ekaterinburg prison, where they had been thrown because they objected to Bolsheviks requisitioning their cattle, &c., were brutally murdered."– Mr. Alston to Earl Curzon, 8 fabruari 1919 - sid 39/33
- "WITH regard to the murder of Imperial family at Ekaterinburg, there is further evidence to show that there were two parties in the local Soviet, one which was anxious to save Imperial family, and the latter, headed by five Jews, two of whom were determined to have them murdered. These two Jews, by name Vainen and Safarof, went with Lenin when he made a journey across Germany."– General Knox to War Office, 5 februari 1919 - sid 47/41
- "My Lord, I BEG to forward to your Lordship the following details with reference to Bolshevism in Russia:- I have been for ten years in Russia, and have been in Petrograd through the whole of the revolution. I spent six weeks in the Fortress of Peter and Paul, acted as .chaplain to His Majesty's submarines in the Baltic for four years, and was in contact with the 9th (Russian) Army in Roumania during the autumn of 1917 whilst visiting British Missions and hospitals, and had ample opportunity of studying Bolshevik methods. It originated in German propaganda, and was, and is being, carried out by international Jews."– Rev. B. S. Lombard to Earl Curzon, 23 mars 1919 - sid 62/56
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