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The Mail Adelaide den 4 september 1943
The Free Lance-Star den 25 februari 1982
Ottawa Citizen den 24 juni 1943
The Canadian Jewish Review 13 augusti 1943, sid 7

Ångkammare. En anklagelsepunkt vid Nürnbergprocessen var att den tyska lägeradministrationen vid koncentrationslägret Treblinka ska ha använt ångkammare för att mörda judar. Anklagelsen finns dokumenterad i Chapter XII - The Persecution of the Jews i The Avalon Project.[1] Metoden finner stöd i en artikel publicerad i New York Times den 8 augusti 1943, då tidningen även skriver att 2 000 000 människor hade mördats i lägret.[2] The Mail Adelaide bekräftade uppgiften den 4 september 1943.[3]

Massmord med ångkammare - en anklagelsepunkt vid Nürnbergprocessen

Den 14 december 1945 framfördes anklagelsen att ångkammare ska ha använts för att mörda judar i Treblinka.[4] I rättegångsprotokollet står att läsa:

"In March 1942 the Germans began to erect another camp, Treblinka B. in the neighborhood of Treblinka A, intended to become a place of torment for Jews."
"The erection of this camp was closely connected with the German plans aimed at a complete destruction of the Jewish population in Poland, which necessitated the creation of a machinery by means of which the Polish Jews could be killed in large numbers. Late in April 1942 erection was completed of the first chambers in which these general massacres were to be performed by means of steam. Somewhat later the erection of the real death building, which contains 10 death chambers, was finished. It was opened for wholesale murders early in autumn 1942."


"All victims had to strip off their clothes and shoes, which were collected afterwards, whereupon all victims, women and children first, were driven into the death chambers. Those too slow or too weak to move quickly were driven in by rifle butts, by whipping and kicking, often by Saner himself. Many slipped and fell; the next victims pressed forward and stumbled over them. Small children were simply thrown inside. After being filled up to capacity, the chambers were hermetically closed and steam was let in. In a few minutes all was over. The Jewish menial workers had to remove the bodies from the platform and to bury them in mass graves. By and by, as new transports arrived, the cemetery grew, extending in an easterly direction."
"From reports received it may be assumed that several hundred thousands of Jews have been exterminated in Treblinka."

Användandet av ångkammare bekräftas av Förintelseöverlevare

I en artikel publicerad i tidningen The Free Lance-Star den 25 februari 1982 vittnade Förintelseöverlevaren Mary Sigillo Barraco om sina erfarenheter under Förintelsen. Barraco överlevde själv ett försök till avrättning i en ångkammare efter att ha svimmat:

"The hot steam is a terrifying memory of the Nazi´s steam chamber that turned her flesh red before she fainted."[5]

Ångkammare rapporteras från underrättelsetjänst

Ottawa Citizen den 24 juni 1943:

"An almost unbelievable new method of Jewish extermination has been reported from underground sources in Poland to the international department of the British Labor party - steam rooms where 500 persons can be executed by suffocation in 15 minutes. [...] Belzec was organized for extermination by electrocution, with Tremblinka the main extermination-by-suffocation camp. [...] The place of execution is a stone building composed of three chambers and a steam boiler, from which pipes lead to the death chambers. [...] They die of suffocation when the steam is forced to such pressure that they cannot breathe. Exocution lasts 15 minutes, after which the bodies are buried in deep pits exacavated by special shovelling machines working day and night... The camp is so organized as to be able to put to death at least 7,000 persons daily."[6]

I en artikel publicerad i The Canadian Jewish Review den 13 augusti 1943 berättas hur judar tvingas in i en ångkammare och mördas. Efter avrättningen öppnas så golvet och kropparna faller ner i en hög där de sedan spolas av med en slang. The Canadian Jewish Review uppgav i sin artikel att två miljoner judar avrättats med metoden.[7]

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