Vatten pressat ner i halsen tills magen exploderade

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Sidan 38 i Yanina Cywinskas bok Sugar Plum Nut

Vatten pressat ner i halsen tills magen exploderade. Vittnet och Förintelseöverlevaren Yanina Cywinska beskriver i sin bok Sugar Plum Nut hur en man får en slang pressad ner i halsen varpå vatten sätts på under högt tryck tills magen exploderar:

""Come here, Jew. I´ll show you how we give the Jews water!" The Nazi pushed the old man to the ground and forced the hose into his mouth while another soldier held him down. He held it there as the water flowed from the truck and the old man fought back and tried to free himself. Finally, he went limp, His body twitched and jerked as water came out of his nose and his stomach exploded within him."[1]

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