The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry
The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry är en bok från 2001 skriven av Ilya Ehrenburg och Vasily Grossman. Boken innehåller en sammanställning av vittnesmål, brev, dagböcker och dokument rörande en tredjedel av de sex miljoner judar som anses ha fallit offer för Förintelsen.
Utdrag från The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry
- "By means of shooting, starvation, poisoning, and monstrous tortures, the Germans exterminated at Auschwitz more then four million citizens of the Soviet Union, Poland, France, Belgium, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, and other countries." (Sid. 501)
- "In a separate buildning there was a machine designed to release the deadly gas. Once it was released, the gas was fed into tanks, and from the tanks it went into the gas chamber. It normally took fifteen minutes for everyone in the gas chamber to be asphyxiated. There were no windows." (Sid. 489)
- "People arriving on the transport were led into the barracks, where they undressed; then they were taken to the gas chamber... Fifteen to seventeen hundred people would be driven into the gas chamber." (Sid. 503)
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