Tavelramar. Enligt en artikel publicerad i tidningen Sentinel den 24 januari 2008 användes under Förintelsen mänsklig hud för att tillverka tavelramar. Artikeln beskriver erfarenheterna från vittnet och Förintelseöverlevaren Frida Herskovitswas som under andra världskriget internerades i koncentrationslägret Auschwitz.
Sentinel den 24 januari 2008
- "She said their hair was shaven and clothes were removed, and they were given one dress and a tattoo identification before being sent to the barracks, where five or six people would sleep in a bunk bed. With the laborers lined up on the right and thewomen and children on the left, she said she saw a baby shot to death,German shepherds "tear a baby out of the mother's wound" and people burned alive. There were even experimental surgeries in which organs were removed and human skin was used tomake lampshades and picture frames."[1]
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