Stürm Kommand
Stürm Kommand är ett band.
Splitskivor som dom har medverkat på
Samlingsskivor som dom har medverkat på
- BulgAryan Southern Radikal War Propaganda - 2008 (MC) H.O.D. Tape 034 Hammer Of Damnation
- 05 Total warfare against the abominale race and their servants
- 06 Panzers rolling over the putrid corpses of our enemies
- 07 And the fields call us again to soak them with sub-human blood
- 08 Destroying their holy temples
- 05 Total warfare against the abominale race and their servants
- 06 Panzers rolling over the putrid corpses of our enemies
- 07 And the fields call us again to soak them with sub-human blood
- 08 Destroying their holy temples
Externa länkar
i ämnesportalen om Nationell musik |