Serpent's Walk

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Serpent's walk
(Bokens framsida)
Namn Serpent's walk
National Vanguard Books
Randolph D. Calverhall
Antal sidor

Serpent's Walk är en roman utgiven av National Vanguard Books 1991. Boken skrevs av pseudonymen Randolph D. Calverhall som uppges vara en respekterad science fiction-författare som samtidigt ska ha varit medlem i National Alliance. Hans identitet är en välbevarad hemlighet och kommer i enlighet med författarens önskemål att så förbli. Boken är ännu inte översatt till svenska.

Romanen utforskar möjligheten att Hitlers krigarelit, SS, inte gav upp efter deras förlust under andra världskriget. Istället gick de under jorden och började tillämpa samma strategi som sina fiender: De började att bygga upp en ekonomisk styrka och köpa in sig i opinionsformande media. Ett århundrade efter kriget står de nu redo att utmana demokraterna och judarna i kampen om de vita amerikanernas hjärtan och sinnen.

Text från bokens baksida

The good guys win sometimes.

Not always, of course. They lost big in the Second World War. That war was a victory for communists, democrats, and Jews, but everyone else lost, including millions of GIs who were told that they were killing Germans and Japanese in order to make the world a decent place for their children to grow up--only to see things in America go from bad to much, much worse in the decades after the war.

Even when the bad guys win, they sometimes grow careless and later become losers. Look what happened to the communists of eastern Europe in the 1990s. Could the same thing happen to their erstwhile WWII allies in America?

Serpent's Walk explores that possibility. It assumes that Hitler's warrior elite--the SS--didn't give up their struggle for a White world when they lost the Second World War. Instead their survivors went underground and adopted some of the tactics of their enemies: they began building their economic muscle and buying into the opinion-forming media. A century after the war they are ready to challenge the democrats and Jews for the hearts and minds of White Americans, who have begun to have their fill of government-enforced multi-culturalism and "equality". The resulting conflict comes close to destroying the world, and it provides some exciting reading.

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