Rock-O-Rama Records
Rock-O-Rama Records var ett tyskt skivbolag som gav ut nationell musik, bl a Skrewdriver. Bolaget startades 1979 av Herbert Egoldt och den första releasen kom 1980. Åren 1980-1982 inriktade bolaget sig på punkrock- och hardcore-band . 1983 började Egoldt släppa Oi-musik och han gjorde bolaget för evigt ökänt då han 1984 släppte Skrewdrivers LP Hail The New Dawn. I och med det fasades punkrocken ut ur bilden och bolaget släppte efter det nästan uteslutande RAC-musik. Rock-O-Rama Records har ett antal dotterbolag.
- B.S. Records (BSCD)
- Democd
- Dieter Koch Records
- Endstufe Records
- Erazerhead Records
- Evil Records
- Fireline Records (Dotterbolag till Skull Records)
- First Floor Records
- Flut Cd (Dotterbolag till Walhalla Records)
- Ian Records
- Indiziert Records
- Klan Records
- KS Records
- Mid Records
- Märtyrer Records
- New Master (Dotterbolag till Skull Records)
- Nordland (Tyskland)
- Oi! The Voice Records (Dotterbolag till Skull Records)
- Oi Metal Records (Dotterbolag till Skull Records)
- Pro Records
- Radikahl Records
- Skull Records (SKR)
- Skull Records (Skull) (Dotterbolag till U.N.I.T.E.D. Records)
- Steelbreaker Records
- Street Rock N Roll
- Streetrock (Dotterbolag till Skull Records)
- Störkraft Records
- United Records
- U.N.I.T.E.D. Records
- Victory Records
- Walhalla Records
- White Power Records
Diskografi LP/EP
- RRR 0801 Vomit Visions - Punks Are The Old Farts Of Today, 1980 7" EP
- RRR 45000 The Razors - Low Down Life, 1980 7" Singel
- RRR 80000 The Razors - The Razors, 1980 LP
- RRR 4 O.H.L. - O.H.L., 1981 7" EP
- RRR 5 O.H.L. - Live, 1981 7" EP
- RRR 6 O.H.L. - Heimatfront, 1981 LP
- RRR 7 Cotzbrocken - Jedem Das Seine…, 1981 LP
- RRR 8 Die Deutschen Kommen - Samlingsskiva, 1982 LP
- RRR 9 Der Fluch - Der Fluch, 1982 LP
- RRR 10 Stress - Stress, 1982 LP
- RRR 11 Der Fluch - Die Gesandten des Grauens, 1982 12" EP
- RRR 12 O.H.L. - 1000 Kreuze, 1982 LP
- RRR 13 Chaos Z - Ohne Gnade, 1982 LP
- RRR 14 B. Trug - Lieber Schwierig Als Schmierig, 1982 LP
- RRR 15 Die Alliierten - Ruhm und Ehre, 1982 LP
- RRR 16 O.H.L. - Oktoberrevolution, 1983 Mini LP
- RRR 17 The Skeptix - So the Youth, 1983 LP
- RRR 18 O.H.L. - Verbannte Erde, 1983 LP
- RRR 19 The Skeptix / O.H.L. - Kids are United, 1983 7" EP
- RRR 20 Stosstrupp - Wie lange noch…, 1983 LP
- RRR 21 Stosstrupp - Kein Schöner Land, 1983 7" EP
- RRR 22 Vorkriegsphase - Auf in Den Tod, 1983 LP
- RRR 23 Vorkriegsphase - Scheiss Krieg, 1983 7" EP
- RRR 24 M.A.F. - Hau Ab!, 1983 LP
- RRR 25 Brutal Verschimmelt - Brutal Verschimmelt, 1983 LP
- RRR 26 Appendix - Money Is Not My Currency!, 1983 LP
- RRR 27 Riistetyt - As A Prisoner of State, 1983 LP
- RRR 28 Terveet Kädet - Halloween, 1983 LP
- RRR 29 Bastards - Siberian Hardcore, 1983 LP
- RRR 30 The Nikoteens - Aloah-Oehh, 1983 LP
- RRR 31 Destrucktions - Vox Populi, 1983 LP
- RRR 32 Kansan Uutiset - Beautiful Dreams, 1983 LP
- RRR 33 Insane - Live, 1983 (Släpptes inte offentligt)
- RRR 34 Riistetyt - Nightmares in Darkness, 1983 LP
- RRR 35 Combat 84 - Send in the Marines!, 1984 LP
- RRR 36 Terveet Kädet - Black God, 1984 LP
- RRR 37 Appendix - Top of the Pops, 1984 LP
- RRR 38 Siste Dagers Helvete - The Hell, 1984 LP
- RRR 39 Live Im Stollwerk - Samlingsskiva, 1984 (Släpptes inte offentligt)
- RRR 40 Böhse Onkelz - Der Nette Mann, 1984 LP
- RRR 41 Finnish Spunk: Hard Beat - Samlingsskiva, 1984 LP
- RRR 42 Propaganda Live - Samlingsskiva, 1984 LP
- RRR 43 Body Checks - Tätowiert & Kahlgeschoren, 1984 LP
- RRR 44 Riistetyt - Raped Future (Raiskattu Tulevaisuus), 1984 LP
- RRR 45 Vaurio - A Shout from the Night, 1984 LP
- RRR 46 Skrewdriver - Hail the New Dawn, 1984 LP
- RRR 47 Skrewdriver - Invasion, 1984 7" Singel
- RRR 48 Böhse Onkelz - Böse Menschen - Böse Lieder, 1985 LP
- RRR 49 Massacre - Massacre, 1985 LP
- RRR 50 Der Durstige Mann - Bier für Tot, 1985 LP
- RRR 51 Vortex - Gladiator, 1985 LP
- RRR 52 No Surrender! - Samlingsskiva, 1985 LP
- RRR 53 Skrewdriver - Blood and Honour, 1985 LP
- RRR 54 Indecent Exposure - Reveal All!, 1985 LP
- RRR 55 Böhse Onkelz - Mexico, 1985 Mini LP
- RRR 56 Our Neighbors Suck - Isolation, 1985 LP
- RRR 57 Brutal Attack - Stronger Than Before, 1986 LP
- RRR 58 Public Enemy - England's Glory, 1986 LP
- RRR 59 No Surrender volume 2 - Samlingsskiva, 1986 LP
- RRR 60 O.H.L. - Jenseits Von Gut Und Böse, 1986 LP
- RRR 61 Snix Quand - Le Soleil Se Lévera, 1986 LP
- RRR 62 Brutal Combat - Charles Martel, 1986 LP
- RRR 63 Indecent Exposure - No Looking Back, 1986 Mini LP
- RRR 64 Endstufe - Der Clou, 1987 LP
- RRR 65 Vortex - Laut & Lustig, 1987 LP
- RRR 66 Skrewdriver - White Rider, 1987 LP
- RRR 67 Skrewdriver - Boots and Braces, 1987 LP
- RRR 68 Kahlkopf - Der Metzger, 1987 LP
- RRR 69 Boots & Braces - Wahnsinn, 1988 LP
- RRR 70 Vengeance - Forward Into War, 1988 LP
- RRR 71 Böhse Onkelz - Freitag Nacht, 1988 Mini LP
- RRR 72 Böhse Onkelz - Hässlich, 1988 12" EP
- RRR 73 Brutal Attack - As the Drum Beats, 1988 LP
- RRR 74 New Glory - Backlash, 1988 LP
- RRR 75 Skrewdriver - After the Fire, 1988 LP
- RRR 76 Arresting Officers - Patriotic Voice, 1988 LP
- RRR 77 White Noise - The First Assault, 1988 LP
- RRR 78 Vengeance - 1986, 1988 Mini LP
- RRR 79 Sudden Impact - Storm, 1988 LP
- RRR 80 The Allegiance - Rough Justice, 1989 LP
- RRR 81 Brutal Attack - Tales of Glory, 1989 LP
- RRR 82 Ian Stuart and Strikeforce - No Turning Back, 1989 LP
- RRR 83 Young Blood - Final War, 1989 LP
- RRR 84 The Allegiance - Don't Bother Me, 1989 LP
- RRR 85 Skrewdriver - Warlord, 1989 LP
- RRR 86 No Surrender volume 3 - Samlingsskiva, 1989 LP
- RRR 87 Doc Marten - One Land to Care For, 1989 LP
- RRR 88 Sudden Impact - Rock & Roll Rebels, 1989 LP
- RRR 89 Störkraft - Dreckig, Kahl & Hundsgemein, 1989 LP
- RRR 90 Ian Stuart - Slay the Beast, 1990 LP
- RRR 91 Arresting Officers - Land and Heritage, 1990 LP
- RRR 92 Ultima Thule - Hurra För Nordens Länder, 1990 LP
- RRR 93 Brutal Attack - Steel Rolling On, 1990 Dubbel LP
- RRR 94 Endstufe - Skinhead Rock`N´Roll, 1990 LP
- RRR 95 Bound For Glory - Warriors Glory, 1990 LP
- RRR 96 Elite Terror - Flame of Pride, 1990 LP
- RRR 97 The Mad Hatters - The One, The Only…, 1990 LP
- RRR 98 Kahlkopf - Soldat, 1990 LP
- RRR 99 Lionheart - Chasing Dreams, 1990 LP
- RRR 100 White Noise - Reckless Aggression, 1990 LP
- RRR 101 Störkraft - Mann für Mann, 1990 LP
- RRR 102 Werwolf - Vereint, 1990 LP
- RRR 103 Skrewdriver - The Strong Survive, 1990 LP
- RRR 104 No Surrender vol 4 - Samlingsskiva, 1990 LP
- RRR 105 Empire - Empire Strikes Back, 1990 LP
- RRR 106 Endstufe/Volksgemurmel - Allzeit Bereit, 1990 LP
- RRR 107 Bound For Glory - When the Hammer Falls, 1990 LP
- RRR 108 Brutal Attack - Lost and Found, 1990 LP
- RRR 109 Skrewdriver - Live & Kicking, 1990 Dubbel LP
- RRR 110 White Diamond - The Reaper, 1991 LP
- RRR 111 Condemned 84 - The Boots Go Marching In, 1991 LP
- RRR 112 Werwolf - Schlachtruf, 1991 Mini LP
- RRR 113 Ian Stuart - Patriot, 1991 LP
- RRR 114 Märtyrer - Stolz, 1991 LP
- RRR 115 The Rogues - Zero Street, 1991 LP
- RRR 116 Störkraft - Live 1991, 1991 LP
- RRR 117 Ian Stuart and Stigger - Patriotic Ballads, 1991 LP
- RRR 118 No Alibi- The Wickedness of Mankind, 1991 LP
- RRR 119 Bomber - Das Böse Lebt!, 1992 LP
- RRR 120 Cross - Rise and Conquer, 1992 LP
- RRR 121 Skrewdriver - Freedom What Freedom, 1992 LP
- RRR 122 Radikahl - Retter Deutschlands, 1992 Mini LP
- RRR 123 White American Youth - Walk Alone, 1992 LP
- RRR 124 Ian Stuart and Rough Justice - Justice for the Cottbus Six, 1992 Mini LP
- RRR 125 Vacant - Lot Stay Mental, 1992 LP
- RRR 126 Sturmtrupp - Es Geht Voran, 1992 LP
- RRR 127 Rival - We Got the Right, 1992 LP
- RRR 128 Chauves Pourris - Vaterland, 1992 LP
- RRR 129 Wotan - Die letzten Helden, 1992 LP
- RRR 130 Fortress - Fortress, 1992 Mini LP
- RRR 131 Brutal Attack - Into Apocalypse, 1992 LP
- RRR 132 Freikorps - Land meiner Väter, 1992 LP
- RRR 133 Bound For Glory - Over the Top, 1992 LP
- RRR 134 Condemned 84 - Storming to Power, 1992 LP
- RRR 135 Oi Dramz - Oi Dramz, 1992 LP
- RRR 136 Märtyrer - Hammer Hart, 1992 LP
- RRR 137 Sturmtrupp - Kraft und Einigkeit, 1993 LP
- RRR 138 Endstufe - Glatzenparty, 1993
Nya utgivningar av LP
- RRR 1001 Störkraft - Wir Sind Wieder Da!, (LP, Ltd) 2007
- RRR 1002 Störkraft - Hundsgemeine Männer, 2007
- RRR 1003 Skrewdriver - When The Storm Breaks, (LP) 2007
- RRR 1004 Sturmwehr - Zerschlag Deine Ketten, (LP) 2008
- RRR 1005 Freikorps - Wie Die Wikinger, (LP, Album, RE) 2007
- RRR 1006 Adrenalin - Bootboys Bremen, (LP, Album, RM) 2008
- RRR 1007 Oidoxie - Kann Denn Glatze Sünde Sein?, (LP) 2007
- RRR 1009 08/15 - Die Schonzeit Ist Vorbei, 2008 (LP) 9 spår
- RRR 1010 Kraftschlag - Deutsch Geboren, (LP) 2008
- RRR 1011 Body Checks - Unser Kampf, (LP) 2009
- RRR 1012 Ravens Wing - Through The Looking Glass, (LP) 2008
- RRR 1013 Rock-O-Rama Records ... Nach 30 Jahre. Lieder Aus Der Punk-Ära Teil 1 - Samlingsskiva, (LP, Comp, Bla) 2008
- RRR 1014 Rock-O-Rama Records ... Nach 30 Jahren. Lieder Aus Der RAC-Ära Teil 2 - Samlingsskiva, (LP, Comp, RM, Red) 2008
- RRR 1015 Skrewdriver - After The Fire, (Album) 2008
- RRR 1016 Arresting Officers - Land And Heritage, (LP, Album, RP) 2008
Diskografi CD
- RCD 100 Böhse Onkelz - Der Nette Mann + Demos, (CD)
- RORCD 101 Böhse Onkelz - Böse Menschen - Böse Lieder, (Album) 1989
- RORCD 102 Böhse Onkelz - Freitag Nacht / Mexico, (CD, Comp) 1989
- RORCD 103 Skrewdriver - Skrewdriver, (CD) 1989
- RORCD 104 Skrewdriver - Hail The New Dawn, (Album) 1990
- RORCD 105 Skrewdriver - Blood & Honour, (CD) 1990
- RORCD 106 Skrewdriver - Boots And Braces / Voice Of Britain, (Comp) 1990
- RORCD 107 Kahlkopf - Der Metzger, (CD) 1990
- RORCD 108 Störkraft - Dreckig, Kahl & Hundsgemein, (CD, Album) 2000
- RORCD 109 Brutal Attack - Tales Of Glory, (CD, Album) 1989
- RORCD 110 Ian Stuart - No Turning Back, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 111 Endstufe - Skinhead Rock’N’Roll, (CD, Album) 1990
- RORCD 112 Ian Stuart - Slay The Beast, (CD, Album) 1990
- RORCD 113 Endstufe - Der Clou, (CD, Album) 1990
- RORCD 114 Brutal Attack - Steel Rolling On, (CD, Album) 1990
- RORCD 115 Kahlkopf - Soldat, (CD, Album) 1990
- RORCD 116 (Saknar uppgifter om denna utgivning, skall inte finnas)
- RORCD 117 Störkraft - Mann Für Mann, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 118 No Remorse - Blood Against Gold, (CD) 1991
- RORCD 119 Patriotic Ballads Vol. 2 - Splitskiva med Ian Stuart & Stigger, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 120 Vortex - Gladiator / Laut + Lustig, (CD, Comp) 1991
- RORCD 121 Skullhead - Odin's Law, (Album)
- RORCD 122 Squadron - Our Time Will Come
- RORCD 123 No Surrender! Volume 1 & 2 - Samlingsskiva, (CD) 1991
- RORCD 124 Gods Of War - Samlingsskiva, (CD, Comp) 1991
- RORCD 125 Arresting Officers - Land And Heritage, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 126 Body Checks - Tätowiert + Kahlgeschoren, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 127 Werwolf - Vereint, (CD, Album)
- RORCD 128 The Klansmen - Fetch The Rope, (CD, RE) 1991
- RORCD 129 Condemned 84 - Face The Aggression
- RORCD 130 Squadron - Take The Sword
- RORCD 131 Allzeit Bereit - Splitskiva med Endstufe/Volksgemurmel, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 132 Skrewdriver - The Strong Survive (Album) 1990
- RORCD 133 Skullhead - Cry Of Pain, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 134 No Surrender Vol. 4 - Samlingsskiva, (CD, Comp) 1990
- RORCD 135 ???
- RORCD 136 Skrewdriver - White Rider, (CD) 1991
- RORCD 137 Skrewdriver - After The Fire, (CD, Album, RE) 1991
- RORCD 138 Boots & Braces - Wahnsinn, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 139 Bound For Glory - When The Hammer Falls, (CD) 1991
- RORCD 140 Brutal Attack - Lost And Found, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 141 The Klansmen - Rebel With A Cause, (CD, RE) 1991
- RORCD 142 White Diamond - The Reaper, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 143 Condemned 84 - The Boots Go Marching In, (CDr, Album)
- RORCD 144 Ian Stuart - Patriot, (CD, Album) 1999
- RORCD 145 Wehrwolf - Schlachtruf
- RORCD 146 Märtyrer - Stolz, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 147 Skrewdriver - Live And Kicking, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 148 Brutal Attack - Stronger Than Before / As The Drum Beats, (2xCD) 1991
- RORCD 149 Arresting Officers - Patriotic Voice, (CD, Album) 1988
- RORCD 150 White Noise - First Assault, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 151 Indecent Exposure - Reveal All! / No Looking Back, (Album)
- RORCD 152 White Noise - Reckless Aggression!, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 153 No Surrender vol. 3 - Samlingsskiva
- RORCD 154 Skullhead - White Warriors, (CD) 1991
- RORCD 155 Skrewdriver - The Early Years, (CD, Comp) 1991
- RORCD 156 Gods Of War Vol. 3 & Vol. 4 - Samlingsskiva, (CD, Album, Comp) 1991
- RORCD 157 The Klansmen - Rock 'N' Roll Patriots, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 158 Rogues - Zero Street, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 159 Störkraft - Live 1991, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 160 Patriotic Ballads Vol. 1 - Ian Stuart & Stigger, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 161 No Alibi - Wickedness Of Mankind, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 162 Bomber - Das Böse Lebt!, (CD, Album) 1991
- RORCD 163 Cross - Rise And Conquer
- RORCD 164 Skrewdriver - Freedom What Freedom, (Album) 1992
- RORCD 165 Radikahl - Retter Deutschlands, (CD, MiniAlbum) 1992
- RORCD 166 White American Youth - Walk Alone, (CD, Album)
- RORCD 167 Ian Stuart* And Rough Justice - Justice For The Cottbus Six, (CD, MiniAlbum) 1992
- RORCD 168 ???
- RORCD 169 Böhse Onkelz - Hässlich, (CD, Maxi)
- RORCD 170 Vacant Lot - Stay Mental, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 171 Sturmtrupp - Es Geht Voran, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 172 Rival - We Got The Right
- RORCD 173 Chauves-Pourris - Vaterland
- RORCD 174 Wotan - Die Letzten Helden, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 175 Evil Skins - Une Force, Une Cause, Un Combat, (CD, Album, RE, Bla) 1992
- RORCD 176 Fortress - Fortress, (CD)
- RORCD 177 Brutal Attack - Into Apocalypse, (CD, Album)
- RORCD 178 Freikorps - Land Meiner Väter, (CD)
- RORCD 179 Bound For Glory - Over The Top, (Album) 1992
- RORCD 180 Condemned 84 - Storming To Power, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 181 Oi Dramz - Oi Dramz, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 182 Märtyrer - Hammerhart
- RORCD 183 Die Deutschen Kommen - Samlingsskiva, (CD, Comp, RE) 1993
- RORCD 184 Endstufe - Glatzenparty, (CD, Album) 1993
- RORCD 185 Sturmtrupp - Kraft Und Einigkeit, (CD, Album) 1993
- RORCD 186 Die Alliierten - Ruhm Und Ehre, (CDr, Album, RE)
- RORCD 187 Werwolf - Ewige Narben, (CD, Album) 1992
- RORCD 188 Der Fluch - Der Fluch, (CD, Album, RE) 1992
- RORCD 189 OHL - 1000 Kreuze
- RORCD 190 ???
- RORCD 191 Störkraft - Mordbrenner, (CD, EP) 1993
- RORCD 192 Brutal Attack - Resurrection, (CD, Album)
- RORCD 193 Boots Brothers - Die Sonne Wird Wieder Scheinen, (CD, Album) 1993
- RORCD 194 ???
- RORCD 195 ???
- RORCD 196 Cotzbrocken - Jedem Das Seine..., (CD, Album) 1990
- RORCD 197 ???
- RORCD 198 ???
- RORCD 199 Brutal Combat - Charles Martel, (Album)
- RORCD 200 Materialschlacht III - Tatort Braunschweig
- RORCD 500 Störkraft - Gib Niemals Auf
- RCD 201 Skinheads - Parole Spass Vol. 2 - Samlingsskiva
- RCD 202 Holsteiner Jungs - Jetzt Kommt Unsere Zeit, (CD, Album)
- RCD 203 Arbeiterklasse - Arbeiterklasse, (CD, Album) 1996 12 spår
- RCD 204 Blasphemie - Das Reich Erwacht
- RCD 205 Freikorps - Wie Die Wikinger, (CD, Album)
- RCD 206 Empire - Strikes Back
- RCD 207 Sturmtrupp - Bis In Alle Ewigkeit
- RCD 208 Blasphemie - Transfusion
- RCD 208/2 Blasphemie - Transfusion, (lim. edition: DVD box with patch/ mini poster)
- RCD 209 Sturmwehr - Mit Festem Schritt..., (CD, Album, lim. edition: DVD box with patch /mini poster) 2003
- RCD 210 Our Neighbors Suck - Isolation
- RCD 211 Sturmwehr - Deutschland
- RCD 212 Hauptkampflinie - Zwischen Allen Fronten
- RCD 213 Werwolf - Ewige Narben
- RCD 214 Freikorps - Ein Bisschen Spass, (CD, Album)
- RCD 215 Freikorps - Eisernes Kreuz, (CD, Album) 1998
- RCD 216 Hauptkampflinie - Tomorrow Belongs To Me, (lim. edition: DVD box with patch/ mini poster)
- RCD 217 Freikorps - Die Frühen Jahre
- RCD 218 Endstufe - Wir Kriegen Euch Alle, (CD, Comp) 1999
- RCD 219 Skinheads - Parole Spass Vol. 1 - Samlingsskiva
- RCD 220 Holsteiner Jungs - Flaschen Und Fäuste, (CD, Album)
- RCD 221 Skinheads - Schrei nach Freiheit - Samlingsskiva
- RCD 222 Freikorps - Alles für Deutschland
- RCD 223 ???
- RCD 224 ???
- RCD 225 Holsteiner Jungs - Polizeistaat 2000, (CD, EP) 2000
- RCD 666 Böhse Onkelz - Stunde Des Siegers, (CD)
Nyutgivningar av gamla skivor
- RCD 1001 Störkraft - Wir sind wieder da!
- RCD 1002 Störkraft - Hundsgemeine Männer
- RCD 1003 ???
- RCD 1004 ???
- RCD 1005 ???
- RCD 1006 ???
- RCD 1007 Endstufe - Glatzenparty, (CD, Dig) 2008
Diverse olika katalognummer
- BACD-1 Die 3 Bagaluten - Das Ärgärnis
- GLORYCD1 White Diamond - The Power And The Glory
- OCD-1 Oi Dramz - Gesichterder Gesellschaft
- TRCD-1 Stars And Stripes - Shaved For Battle, (PATRIOT?).
- XYZ-001 Elbsturm
- ??? Volkstroi - Gehasst Und Verdammt, (CDr, Album) 1999
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