Robert Jay Mathews

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(Omdirigerad från Robert Jay Matthews)
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Robert Jay Matthwes föddes den 16 januari 1953. Hans familj bestod av fadern Johnny, modern Uni samt två äldre bröder. Hans far hade bl.a. arbetat som borgmästare, egen företagare och instruktör för det amerikanska flygvapnet.

Robert eller Bob som han brukade kallas tyckte om att aktivera sig fysiskt och sysslade därför med styrketräning och brottning.

1972 då Bob var 19 år, grundade han Sons Of Liberty, en organisation som visade starkt missnöje med att inkomstskatten, enligt dem, tillföll kommunistiska ändamål. Organisationen planerade en avrättning av den kubanske diktatorn Fidel Castro. Planerna sprack då FBI fick upp ögonen för organisationen, samt då en av medlemmarna visade sig vara en psykopat. Organisationens verksamhet låg nu nere, men 1973 lät Bob övertalas till att ta upp verksamheten igen, som nu FBI flitigt övervakade.

I januari 1974 anlände tungt beväpnade poliser för att arrestera Robert. Han hade då gjort sig skyldig till skattebrott, och eftersom myndigheterna såg Robert som en högerextremist så ansåg dom att detta var nödvändigt. Robert förstod inte varför det helt plötsligt stod poliser beväpnade med automatvapen utanför hans dörr, utan försökte komma undan. Efter en vild biljakt slutade Robert i ett dike, och polisen kunde gripa honom. Han dömdes till sex månaders villkorligt för skattebrott, på hans 21:a födelsedag.

Vid denna tidpunkt besökte Bob Metaline Falls i nordvästra USA för första gången. Han älskade områdets natur med fjälltoppar, gröna ängar, djupa dalar och forsande floder. Han bestämde sig för att flytta dit, och gjorde även så. Här träffar Bob sin blivande fru Debbie, som han senare adopterar sonen Clint tillsammans med. Robert vidareutvecklar sina tankar och idéer efter att ha läst boken ”Which Way Western Man?” av Gayley Simpson. Boken var utgiven av National Alliance, som Bob ansåg tillhöra de intelligentare och mer ideologiskt medvetna rörelserna. Han fördjupar sig dessutom i våra hedniska förfäders tro, d.v.s. Asatroendet, och lämnar sin numera forna identitetskristna lära.

Robert försökte få så många rasmedvetna familjer som möjligt att flytta till det nordvästra territoriet, och kallade sitt projekt för ”White American Bastion”. Vid denna tidpunkt engagerar sig Bob både i Aryan Nations och i National Alliance. I september 1983 åkte Bob till Arlington i Virginia, för att delta i National Alliance årsmöte. Där höll han ett tal som främst riktade sig till bönderna, och uppmanade dom att flytta till det nordvästra territoriet, samt att leva på ett sunt och rasligt sätt:

Tio hjärtan, ett slag! Etthundra hjärtan, ett slag! Tiotusen hjärtan, ett slag! Vi är födda för att slåss och dö och fortsätta att föra vårt folks arv vidare. Vi kommer att fortsätta framåt, uppåt mot stjärnorna, högt ovanför slaggen! Rasfränder, plikten kallar! Framtiden är nu! I Metaline Falls har vi ett ordspråk som säger: Nederlag, aldrig! Seger för alltid!

Efter en rad omständligheter träffade Bob de blivande medlemmarna i Der Brüder Schweigen, eller The Order som de kom att kallas. Dessa män svor en ed att aldrig lägga ner sina vapen förrän det rådande systemet var ersatt med en sund folkstat. De insåg snart att hårt arbete inte kunde finansiera deras rasliga rörelse, utan började råna knarklangare, hallickar etc. Efter några misslyckade aktioner så rånade de sin första porrbutik, sedan fortsatte de med ett rasande tempo med rån, bombdåd och mord. Den 19 juli 1984 genomförde de sitt och Nordamerikas största rån, då de rånade en värdetransport utanför Ukiah. Vid rånet tappade Bob en pistol som tillhörde medlemmen Andrew Barnhill, som blir efterlyst och tvingas gå under jorden. Detta är början till slutet för The Order. Den 8 december 1984 mördades Robert Mathews av amerikanska federala agenter. Han hade förskansat sig i ett hus på Whidbey Island, och efter en 36 timmar lång eldstrid brände agenterna honom till döds.

Matthews och de andra Ordermedlemmarna levde efter principen att "så länge som denna främmande tyranniska ondska ockuperar vårt land, så är hatet vår lag och hämnden vår plikt" och svor en ed att aldrig svika sitt folk. Robert räknade inte med att klara sig levande ur kampen, vilket framgår av hans egna ord:

Det finns en liten, sammanhållen, främmande grupp inom den här nationen som arbetar dag och natt för att utplåna den vita rasen. Jag lärde mig att dessa kulturförstörare har ett järngrepp både på de stora politiska partierna, kongressen, median samt de stora kristna kyrkosamfunden i detta land. Det är samma folk som före detta senatorn William J. Fulbright och den framlidne generalen Brown försökte varna oss för. Även Henry Ford och Charles Lindbergh försökte förgäves varna oss. Hade vi varit mer vaksamma så skulle inte min sons framtid vara så mörk och dyster. Så, jag har inget val. Jag måste stå upp som en vit man och slåss. Jag ångrar inget och tänker inte be om ursäkt för Brödraskapet, Gary eller mig själv. Faktum är att jag är stolt över att vi ägde modet och beslutsamheten som behövdes för att stå upp och slåss för vår ras och vårt arv i en tid när sådana dåd kallas kriminella och inte tappra gärningar. För ungefär nio månader sedan så kom FBI till mitt hem när jag var bortrest och hotade min två år gamle son. Det var ett väldigt stort misstag från deras sida. Efter eldstriden i Portland så återvände de till mitt hem och hotade min sextiotre år gamla mor. Vilka modiga män de är. Jag kommer inte att gömma mig, snarare kommer jag att stressa FBI och låta dem förstå hur det är att vara den jagade. Genom detta, så är det bara logiskt att anta att mina dagar på den här planeten snabbt börjar rinna ut. Trots detta är jag inte rädd. För verkligheten av livet är döden, och det värsta fienden kan göra mot mig är att avkorta min pliktturné i den här världen. Jag kommer att gå hädan med vetskapen att jag har gjort den ultimata uppoffringen för att säkra framtiden för mina barn. Om du ännu inte har hängett dig till fullo, så har du inte endast förrått din ras, du har även förrått dig själv. Den siste vite mannens, kvinnans och barnets öde på den här planeten vilar på just våra axlar. Vi kan inte misslyckas.

Robert Jay Matthews avskedsbrev

For the past decade I have been a resident of Northern Pend Oreille County. When I first arrived in Metaline Falls, I had only twenty-five dollars to my name, a desire to work hard and be left alone, and the dream of someday acquiring my own small farm.

During my three years at the mine and seven years at the cement plant, I can safely say that I was known as a hard worker. I stayed out of the bars and pretty much kept to myself. Anyone who is familiar with Boundary Dam Road knows how my late father and I carved a beautiful place out of the woods.

All of the goals I had when I arrived were accomplished but one ... I was not left alone.

Within months of my arrival the FBI went to the mine office and tried to have me fired from my job. I was working in the electrical department at the time and my foreman, fortunately, had a deep and lasting dislike for the Feds. He was informed of the situation by the mine secretary. Had it been the mine manager instead of the secretary that the Government goons talked to, I would have lost my job.

This campaign of harassment and intimidation began because of my involvement in the Tax Rebellion Movement from the time I was fifteen to twenty years old. The Government was on me so much in Arizona that during one incident when I was eighteen, IRS agents shot at me for nothing more than a misdemeanor tax violation.

I left Arizona and the Tax Rebellion when I was twenty. I left not out of fear of the IRS or because of submission to their tyranny, but because I was thoroughly disgusted with the American people. I maintained then as I do now, that our people have devolved into some of the most cowardly, sheepish, degenerates that have ever littered the face of this planet.

I had hoped to start a new life in the state of Washington, but the ruling powers had other plans for me. When I learned of their highly illegal attempt to have me fired, I wrote s letter to their Seattle office and told them "I would take no more, to leave me alone, or I would respond in such a way that could be very painful to certain agents,(After the letter they gradually started to let me be.)

I soon settled down to marriage, clearing my land, and reading. Reading became an obsession with me. I consumed volume upon volume on subjects dealing with history, politics and economics. I was especially taken with Spengler's "Decline if the West" and "Which Way Western Man?". I also subscribed to numerous periodicals on current American problems, especially those concerned with the ever increasing decline of White America. My knowledge of ancient European history started to awaken a wrongfully suppressed emotion buried deep within my soul, that of racial pride and consciousness.

The stronger my love for my people grew, the deeper became my hatred for those who would destroy my race, my heritage, and darken the future of my children.

By the time my son had arrived, I realized that White America, indeed my entire race, was headed for oblivion unless White men rose and turned the tide. The more I came to love my son the more I realized that unless things changed radically, by the time he was my age, he would be a stranger in his own land, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan in a country populated mainly by Mexicans, mulattoes, blacks and Asians. His future was growing darker by the day.

I came to learn that this was not by accident, that there is a small, cohesive alien group within this nation working day and night to make this happen. I learned that these culture distorters have an iron grip on both major political parties, on Congress, on the media, on the publishing houses, and on most of the major Christian denominations in this nation, even though these aliens subscribe to a religion which is diametrically opposed to Christianity.

These are the same people who Ex-Senator William J. Fulbright and the late General Brown tried to warn us about. Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg tried vainly to warn us also. Had we been more vigilant, my son's future would not be so dark and dismal.

Thus I have no choice. I must stand up like a White man and do battle. A secret war has been developing for the last year between the regime in Washington and an ever growing number of White people who are determined to regain what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built and died for.

The FBI has been able to keep this war secret only because up until now we have been doing nothing more than growing and preparing. The government, however, seems determined to force the issue, so we have no choice left but to stand and fight back. Hail Victory!

It is at this point that I wish to address the multitude of lies that the federals have been telling about Gary Lee Yarbrough and myself. Gary did not "ambush" any agents. For weeks prior to this incident they had been harassing Gary, following him everywhere, even to the hospital to visit his gravely ill daughter. The day of the mythical ambush Gary was out in his yard when he saw a forest service truck driving across his property in obvious disregard to the numerous no trespassing signs scattered about his land. He yelled at the truck to stop but it kept coming towards his house until it crashed into and destroyed a gate. At this point Gary fired warning shots into the air and the truck drove away. That ... was the big ambush.

The newspapers are saying now that Gary not only ambushed three agents but that he hit three of them. Gary did not even realize that they were FBI at the time, which is fortunate for them because Gary is an expert marksman and had he decided to ambush the FBI he easily could have killed every fed within range of his weapon.

It was until 8:00 p.m. that night that Gary realized what was actually taking place. That is when approximately thirty agents drove up to Gary's house. Gary and a young house guest went outside to investigate the commotion. When the Feds started yelling at Gary he dropped to the ground and rolled into a ditch behind the line of government vehicles. The young house guest went running back into Gary's residence. After waiting for three hours the FBI used Gary's wife as a shield and a hostage and went into the house. What brave men they are!

As incredulous as it sounds Gary laid in the ditch behind the agents for five hours with his gun aimed at their backs. Had Gary really wanted to ambush these invaders then that was a wonderful opportunity to do so. Gary chose instead to give them quarter, something he would later come to regret. Gary eventually slipped out of the ditch and into the woods.

The incompetence of these gun toting bureaucrats never ceases to amaze me. Especially after their attempted ambush and murder of myself in a Portland motel. First, let me say that the FBI was not there to arrest Gary but to ambush me. They didn't even know that Gary was in the room. The only reason they were able to find me was because a trusted friend in Room 14 was actually a traitor and an informant. The FBI has vast resources and the latest technology but the quality of their agents is going down hill with every new recruit. That's because most of the best White men in this country are starting to realize that to be an FBI agent is to be nothing more than a mercenary for the ADL and Tel Aviv.

When I stepped out of my motel room that morning, a gang of armed men came running at me. None of the men had uniforms on and the only thing they said was "Stop, you bastard". At this, I yelled at Gary who was still inside and I leaped down the stairwell and took off running into the parking lot. A woman agent shot at my back and the bullet missed and hit the motel manager.

I rounded the corner of the motel and took off down the hill into a residential area. After running for two blocks I decided to quit being the hunted and become the hunter. I drew my gun and waited behind a concrete wall for the agents to draw near. When I aimed my gun at the closest agent I saw the handsome face of a young White man and lowered my aim to his knee and his foot. Had I not done so I could have killed both agents and still had the use of my hand which is now mangled beyond repair and which I might very well lose altogether. That is the last time I will ever give quarter.

As for the traitor in Room 14, we will eventually find him. If it takes ten years and we have to travel to the far ends of the earth we will find him. And true to our oath when we do find him, we will remove his head from his body.

I have no regrets or apologies to make for Gary or myself. In fact, I am proud that we had the courage and the determination to stand up and fight for our race and our heritage at a time in history when such a deed is called a crime and not an act of valor. Approximately nine moths ago the FBI went to my house while I was away and threatened my two year ld son. That was a very big mistake on their part. After the Portland shootout they went to my house and threatened my sixty-three year old mother. Such brave men they are.! I am not going into hiding, rather I will press the FBI and let them know what it is like to become the hunted. Doing so it is only logical to assume that my days on this planet are rapidly drawing to a close. Even so, I have no fear. For the reality of my life is death, and the worst the enemy can do to me is shorten my tour of duty in this world.

I will leave knowing that I have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the future of my children.

As always, for blood, soil, honor, for faith and for race.

Robert Jay Matthews