Indränkt i marmelad och uppäten levande
Indränkt i marmelad och uppäten levande. En metod som ska ha använt för att avrätta en fånge med under Förintelsen var att låta denne dränkas in i marmelad varpå övriga fångar kastade sig över den dödsdömde och äta denne levande. Metoden ska ha praktiserats i Auschwitz och finns dokumenterad i boken Shivitti: A Vision av Förintelseöverlevaren Yehiel De-Nur.[1]
Utdrag ur Shivitti: A Vision
"Then came the big event, the day of the Auschwitz freak show. The chief, Franzl, showed off Baby, his main attraction, to the block master, who thought of a plan for a good laugh. The inmates were all ordered to the parade ground and commanded to form a circle around Baby, would stood dead centre. In an orderly's hand was the bowl containing the weekly ration of marmalade—enough for one blob of marmalade to be spread—today's the day!—on each inmate's bread ration. The block master helped himself to the jar and then dumped its entire contents over Baby's scab-covered skull. he and the chief were in stitches. Ach, Gott, what a circus! Then the master asked one thousand prisoners how they'd like a lick of marmalade."
"Inmates all over Baby. A voracious multitude, limbs tangling, arms and legs flailing, biting and being bitten in a mass frenzy. The two German spectators were convulsed with laughter. Later, on the deserted parade fround, only a chewed carcass remained, gnawed as if by a horde of famished rats. The orderlies dragged the bleeding blob behind the barracks. And so, atop the pile of corpses, Lay Zizi's dream-Zizi who kept vigil in Rotterdam for her handsome lover."