Heathen Imperialism
Heathen Imperialism | ||
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Namn | Heathen Imperialism | |
Thompkins and Cariou | |
Julius Evola | |
Thompkins and Cariou | |
2007 | |
Häftad | |
Antal sidor
147 | |
Engelska |
Heathen Imperialism är en bok författad av Julius Evola, och översatt och utgiven på engelska av Thompkins and Cariou den 24 december år 2007.
Information från bokens baksida
“ | Western civilisation needs a complete overhaul or it will fall apart
one day or another. It has realised the most complete perversion of any rational order of things. Reign of matter, of gold, of machinery, of number, it no longer possesses breath, or liberty, or light. The West has lost the sense of command and obedience. It has lost the sence of Action and of Contemplation. It has lost the sense of hierarchy, of spiritual power, of mangods.[...] The power of the Middle Ages is needed - a revolt, interior as well as exterior, of a barbaric purity. Philosophy, 'culture', everyday politics: nothing of all of this. It is not a matter of turning on the other side of this bed of agony. It is a matter of finally waking up, and getting up. |
” |
Julius Evola's Discussion of Imperialismo Pagano
Publisher's Foreword
Preface of the German Publisher (1933)
I. We, Anti-Europeans
European Decadence
The New Symbol
The Primordial Nordic-Solar Tradition
We, Heathen Imperialists
II. Conditions for Empire
The Decadence of the Imperial Idea
The Protestant Deviation and our Counter-Reformation
Will to Hierarchy
III. The Democratic Mistake
True Liberalism
Hierarchy according to Power. The Conquest of the State
The Impossibility of Democratic Self-Government
Individual and Humanity
The Irrationality of Equality
From Clan to Empire. Our Doctrine of Race
IV. The Roots of European Evil
The Regression of the Castes. Gold and Labour
Science against Wisdom
'Those Who Know' and 'Those Who Believe'
Mechanical Force and Individual Power
Activism and the Humanised World
V. Our European Symbol
Nietzsche, the Misunderstood
The True Paneuropa
The Myth of the Two Eagles
Ghibelline Restoration