Hau Ruck!
Hau Ruck! är ett dotterbolag till WKN och drivs av Albin Julius som spelar i bandet Der Blutharsch. Hau Ruck! har ett italienskt dotterbolag Hau Ruck! SPQR.
- HR!01 C.O. Caspar Helix Of Exist (7", Ltd) 1999
- HR!02 Nový Svět Rumorarmonio (LP, Ltd) 1998
- HR!03 Various Adesso Viene Il Bello (7", Ltd, Comp) 1999
- HR!04 Nový Svět Faccia A Faccia (CD, Album) 1999
- HR!05 Dernière Volonté En Avant! (7", Ltd) 1999
- HR!06 :Of The Wand & The Moon: Sól Ek Sà (EP) ◄ (2 versions) 2000
- HR!07 La Maison Moderne Day After Day (CD, Maxi) 2000
- HR!08 Tribe Of Circle Altered States (Single) ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!09 Novo Homo In Some Brutal Way He Was An Artist ◄ (2 versions) 2000
- HR!10 Nový Svět Cuori Di Petrolio (CD, Album) 2000
- HR!11 Dernière Volonté Le Feu Sacré (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2000
- HR!12 Lucisferrato Weltanschauliche Mission (12", Ltd) 2001
- HR!13 I-C-K Untitled (MiniAlbum) ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!14 His Divine Grace Reverse Aleph (CD) 2001
- HR!15 Decadence Romance Lover Boy ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!16 Karnnos Bearer Of Order, Bringer Of Chaos ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!17 Nový Svět Chappaqua (CD) 2001
- HR!18 Tribe Of Circle The Advent Of Redemption (CD, Album) 2001
- HR!19 Sal Solaris Outerpretation Of Dreams (CD, Album) 2002
- HR!20 Dernière Volonté Où Tu Iras (7", Ltd) 2001
- HR!21 Reutoff ReuTRauM III ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!22 Changes Fire Of Life (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!23 Šalikapalikau + King Lear's Convulsions Vitreous Pilgrims Border ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!24 :Of The Wand & The Moon: My Black Fate (Single) ◄ (3 versions) 2001
- HR!25 I-C-K Les Hémorragies Nihilistes (CD, Album) 2001
- HR!26 Lucisferrato Ingermanland (CD) 2002
- HR!27 Reutoff The Fourth Face ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!29 Sorgeist Les Roses Du Matin ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!30 Dernière Volonté / Novy Svet* Mon Mercenaire! / El Continent! ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!31 Nový Svět & Foresta Di Ferro Bulli E Pupe ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!32 Various Adesso Viene Il Bello 2 ◄ (2 versions) 2001
- HR!33 Mushroom's Patience From The Mountain / The Spirit Of The Mountain (12", Ltd + CD, Album, Ltd) 2002
- HR!34 Berkana Zuflucht ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!35 Various Zu Neuen Ufern In Alter Frische! (CD, Comp, RP) 2002
- HR!36 Plagiarism Is Art Elektroiberia ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!37 Inner Glory War Is Forever ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!38 Fragola Nera SPQR (7", Single, Pic, Ltd) 2003
- HR!39 Mushroom's Patience Eaten Alive ◄ (2 versions) 2002
- HR!40 Various Hau Ruck! Festival (LP, Pic, Ltd) 2002
- HR!41 C.O. Caspar Pass The Times (CD) 2002
- HR!42 His Divine Grace Die Schlangenkönigin (CD, Album) 2003
- HR!43 Our God Weeps Unity (CD) 2003
- HR!44 Mushroom's Patience Roma, Wien (LP, Ltd, Album, RE) 2002
- HR!45 Tugend Mensch ...Denn Krieg Ist Der Dummheit Mensch (7") 2003
- HR!46 Elli Riehl Waldsleut (7", Ltd, EP) 2004
- HR!47 Reutoff Gute Nacht, Berlin! (CD) 2003
- HR!48 Changes Orphan In The Storm ◄ (2 versions) 2004
- HR!49 Dernière Volonté Les Blessures De L'Ombre (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2003
- HR!50 Zetazeroalfa / SPQR Pistolet Automatiqué / Cuore Nero (7", Ltd, Pic) 2003
- HR!51 Neither/Neither World She Whispers (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2003
- HR!52 Terroritmo Serpenta ◄ (2 versions) 2003
- HR!53 Deutsch Nepal The City Of Stone ◄ (2 versions) 2003
- HR!54 Foresta Di Ferro Bury Me Standing (CD) 2003
- HR!55 Decadence Something To Love, Something To Spend (LP, MiniAlbum, Ltd) 2003
- HR!56 Foresta Di Ferro Combat Folk (7", Ltd) 2003
- HR!57 Naevus Sail Away (7", EP, Ltd) 2003
- HR!58 Spiritual Front No Kisses On The Mouth (7", Ltd) 2003
- HR!59 Mushroom's Patience L'Ultimo Bagno Del Primate (LP, RE, RM, Ltd) 2004
- HR!60 Volksweerbaarheid Groeven In Zwart Vinyl (10", Ltd) 2003
- HR!61 ICK* Intrinsic Violence Re.Edited (LP, Ltd) 2003
- HR!62 Novo Homo Private Hell (CD, Album, Ltd) 2004
- HR!63 Elli Riehl Die Herren Des Waldes (LP, Ltd) 2004
- HR!64 Chthonic Force Agathodaemon (LP) 2004
- HR!65 Varunna Fuoco (7", Ltd) 2004
- HR!66 Graumahd Untitled (7", Ltd) 2004
- HR!67 Dernière Volonté Commémoration (Comp) ◄ (2 versions) 2004
- HR!68 Various Hau Ruck! Festival II (10", Pic, Ltd) 2004
- HR!69 Bain Wolfkind Love Letters (7", EP, Ltd) 2004
- HR!70 Naevus The Body Speaks (10", EP, Ltd) 2004
- HR!71 Inner Glory Remains Of A Dream (CD) 2004
- HR!72 Mushroom's Patience Water (CD, Album, Ltd) 2005
- HR!73 Varunna / Foresta Di Ferro Millenni (10") 2005
- HR!74 Frozen Faces In Order To Confuse (10", EP, Ltd, Gat) 2005
- HR!75 Changes Twilight (7") 2005
- HR!76 Bain Wolfkind Music For Lovers & Gangsters (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2005
- HR!77 Terroritmo Premonitions (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2005
- HR!78 Graumahd Cheru (CD, Album) 2006
- HR!79 Bain Wolfkind Confidential Report (7", EP) 2006
- HR!80 Tribe Of Circle Children Of A Weakened God (CD, Album) 2006
- HR!81 Dernière Volonté Devant Le Miroir (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2006
- HR!82 Varunna Cantos (CD, Album, Dig) 2007
- HR!83 Dernière Volonté Toujours (7", Single, Ltd, Whi) 2007
- HR!84 Changes Legends (LP, Ltd) 2007
- HR!85 Naevus Silent Life (CD, Album, dig) 2007
- HR!86 Bain Wolfkind Wasteland (CD, Maxi) 2007
- HR!87 Position Parallèle Position Parallèle (CD, Album) 2008
- HR!88 Dernière Volonté La Nuit Revient (10", Ltd, Gre) 2008
- HR!89 6‹omm* · Freya Aswynn The Fruits Of Yggdrasil (CD, Album, RE, Dig) 2008
- HR!90 Naevus Go Grow (7") 2008
- HR!91 Naevus Relatively Close To The Sea (CD, Album, Dig) 2008
- HR!92 Bain Wolfkind The Swamp Angel (CD, Album) 2008
- HR!93 C.O. Caspar Reports From This Lunatic Asylum (CD, Album) 2009
- HR!94 Changes Lament (CD, Album) 2010
- HR!95 Amestigon Sun Of All Suns (CD, Album) 2010
- HR!96 Dernière Volonté Immortel (Album) ◄ (2 versions) 2010
- HR!97 Naevus Days That Go (12", EP, Ltd) 2010
- HR!98 Seven That Spells Acid Taking And Sweet Love Making (CD, Album) 2011
- HR!99 Val Denham & Ô Paradis Transform Thyself (CD, Album) 2011
- HR!100 Dernière Volonté Ne Te Retourne Pas (CD, Comp) 2012
- HR101 Art Abscons Der Verborgene Gott (CD, Album) 2011
- HR!102 Black Light Ascension Ashes (CD, Album) 2011
- HR! 103 Varunna Ferro E Ruggine (CD, EP) 2012
- HR! 104 Bain Wolfkind Lone Wolf (CD, EP) 2012
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