Gena Turgel
Gena Turgel, född Goldfinger den 1 februari 1923 i Krakow, Polen. Judisk Förintelseöverlevare, internerad i koncentrationslägret Auschwitz under andra världskriget. Evakuerad till Bergen-Belsen i krigets sluskede där hon delade barrack med Anne Frank. Överlevde ett mordförsök i gaskammare i Auschwitz vintern 1944:
- "We were trembling. I didn't know where we were. Inside, it looked terrible. A woman came in that I recognised from a previous camp. She was very shocked I was there and went out again. "We waited a while and then water came through the walls. It was wonderful. For many weeks we had had no water on our backs. We were all drinking it. "As we came outside, the women there said how wonderful it was to see us. They screamed with happiness. I didn't understand what they meant. I said 'What are you shouting about?' "They said 'Don't you know? You were in the gas chamber.' I lost my voice. I couldn't produce any saliva."[1][2]
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