The Coming Corporate State

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The Coming Corporate State
Thomson - The Coming Corporate State.jpg
(Bokens framsida)
Namn The Coming Corporate State
Alexander Raven Thomson
1934 (denna utgåva 2012)
Antal sidor

The Coming Corporate State är en bok författad av Alexander Raven Thomson. I boken drar han upp riktlinjerna för den fascistiska staten i Storbritannien.

Information om boken

Alexander Raven Thomson outlines the (pre-WW2) British Union of Fascists economic proposals to “Democratise” Britain’s economic system. The Coming Corporate State sets out in clear and precise terms the economic infrastructure that would be put in place once the British Union of Fascists came to power. British Union would transfer ownership of all industrial and commercial organisations above a certain size to one of eighteen Corporations covering every aspect of business activity.

The Corporate State is a means of equating economic forces to the needs of the Nation. It is designed to end the chaos and disorder of the present economic system, and replace them by an organised economy. It is designed to break the hidden dictatorship of vested interests and alien financiers who exploit present conditions for their own benefit. These powers have driven Labour Governments out of office, they dictate the policies of National Governments, but they will never control a Corporate State.

It is interesting to note that many points of the British fascist program have actually been silently realised not only in Britain but also in Europe and America. A must read for everyone.

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The cause is simple, for we find that “Democracy” is failing all over the world. Before we can set things right, we must understand why “Democracy” has failed. The failure is largely to be attributed to the mistaken belief in absolute individual “liberty,” which has negatived all effective government and deprived the People of their essential freedom.

—Alexander Raven Thomson

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