Jehoshuah Rosenblum

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Jehoshuah Rosenblum, alternativ stavning Joshuah Rosenblum, född (data okänt). Rosenblum anses ha varit medlem av sonderkommandot i Krema V - Auschwitz-Birkenau från maj 1944 till januari 1945 och där ha blivit vittne till hur människor gasades ihjäl i homicidala gaskammare.

I Fredrick Töbens dokumentär Judea Declares War On Germany intervjuas Rosenblum om sin tid i lägret. Följande citat är hämtat från tjugoåtta minuter in i filmen.

They take room [oklart] asking where they were. And we had to remain silent and not tell them what would happen to them. And after the last person had gone in they shut the door from outside. Then immediately, two SS men ran up and climbed up on chairs and threw the Zyklon B in through the windows, which sat quite high. And immediately, we heard the screaming. And this went on for a few minutes. Maybe ten, fifteen minutes. Afterwards, they opened the two doors on the other side, from the yard, and they yelled at us: Schnell, schnell. Raus alle [oklart]. Quick, quick, pull out the bodies! The crematoriums were not big enough and they could only burn about a thousand bodies each day. But in the pits, they could burn up to fifteen thousand. In the three pits, they were very large pits, around 6 to 8 meters long and about 2 meters wide. In each pit, they threw in a thousand people. And it only took a few minutes to burn them completely. Maybe 13 minutes and they were completely burned. Or partly burned. There were still a few hands, feet that had fallen out to the side. And we had to put them back on the fire. Nothing should remain of these people, just a bit of ash.

Auschwitz gate.jpg
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