Ada Lichtman

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Ada Lichtman

Ada Lichtman, (alternativ stavning Eda Lichtman, Eda/Ada Fiszer), född Fiszer 1 januari 1915 i Jaroslav, Polen, avliden 1993. Deporterades till koncentrationslägret Sobibor i mitten av juni 1942 där hon tjänstgjorde som tvätterska av bland annat lakan. Träffade i lägret Itzhak Lichtman som hon senare gifte sig med. Flyttade tillsammans till Israel efter Andra världskriget. Beträffande Lichtmans deportation till Sobibor råder det dock viss osäkerhet kring det exakta datumet. Itzhak Lichtman föddes den 10 december 1908 i Zolkiewka, Polen. Deporterades till Sobibor 15 maj år 1942 där han tjänstgjorde i skomakeriet. Anslöt sig till den polska armén efter upproret i Sobibor. Itzhak Lichtman avled i Israel 1992. Ada Lichtman porträtteras i filmen Flykten från Sobibor från 1987.

Medverkan i Claude Lanzmanns film Shoah

(Ada) Lichtman intervjuas av Claude Lanzmann inför projektet med filmen Shoah (1985). I intervjun hävdar Lichtman att judar brändes levande till döds i en synagoga. Hennes make ska även ha blivit dödad genom att en sten släpptes på hans huvud. Det råder en viss förvirring kring när Lichtman ska ha gift sig. Uppgifter förekommer om ingånget äktenskap både före och efter den tyska inmarschen i Polen.

Från TAPE 3271 -- Camera Rolls #5-9 -- 02:00:18 to 02:34:26 The Jews, perhaps 6,000 or 7,000 arrived in deep snow at an airplane factory in Berdighof (?) where they were beaten and given a little bread. Many were shot. Eventually they were marched further on, to the town of Dubienka, near the Bug river. They were settled in a ghetto there. There was very little to eat. In the spring, before Pesach, those remaining Jews were marched on to a railway station, where they boarded trains for Sobibor. She tells a somewhat confusing story of being transferred from train car to train car, and being deloused and made to dance for the Germans' amusement, while the trains travelled continually for several days. Lanzmann sounds skeptical, saying that Dubienka is not far from Sobibor, but Lichtman insists this is what happened.

Från TAPE 3272 -- Camera Rolls #10-12 -- 03:00:19 to 03:34:31 They were the first laundry women but more were chosen from later transports, all of them beautiful young girls. Some of them worked in the casino and were taken by the Germans "for their personal use." Lichtman worked from 5 am until dark, with one hour for lunch. She describes the camp and how it was enlarged over time. [...] Lichtman says she thinks that the distance to the gas chambers was two or three kilometers but Lanzmann tells her it was only 400 meters. She says that she was near the gas chambers only once, when the Germans took them to see some workers who had escaped and were caught in the forest. The workers were shot in front of them as an example of what would happen if they tried to escape.

Från TAPE 3273 -- Camera Rolls #13-15 (including #13A, which is indicated in the transcript but not by a clapper board in the video).-- 04:00:17 to 04:31:45 Eventually the Germans started burning the corpses. The water at the camp was already spoiled (from the corpses in the mass graves?). The prisoners were not permitted to communicate with anyone in the transports, but because Lichtman had to go to the well to get water for the laundry, she was sometimes able to slip away and give the new arrivals water and food. [...] Eichmann visited the camp icognito at least once, although Lichtman didn't realize until she was called as a witness before the Eichmann trial.

Vittne vid Eichmannrättegången

Lichtman kallades som vittne i Eichmannrättegången i Israel 1961. Inför rättegången avlade Lichtman vittnesmål. Lichtman redogör bland annat för ett fönster som satt i taket på den påstådda gaskammaren, där Erich Bauer kunde övervaka hela processen.

Auschwitz gate.jpg
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